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The interior was far neater than I had expected from the appearance of the outside, and was furnished with tables and chairs, and several cupboards and some book-shelves; the walls were ornamented with a few pictures and native weapons, while two spare guns and some pistols were against them. A couple of large Scotch deer hounds of a badger-like colour accompanied their master.

This is the Grison, which, in appearance and habits, somewhat resembles the wolverene. It also is found in two or three varieties according to the part of the country it inhabits. The Taira is another South American species of badger-like animal, though usually referred to the weasels. In Africa, the badger appears in the Ratel, or honey badger, common from Senegal to the Cape.

He wanted the gnu, and would be very pleased if the ratel would go away and leave it to him. The ratel, moreover, did not want the gnu, being an eater of honey, locusts, and generally badger-like fare for the most part; and if the lion had only had the sense to wait a few minutes longer behind the scenes, the ratel would have gone away and left the gnu.

I am more like a badger than like one of them; and indeed I find the image of my fate and my condition in a badger-like creature close at hand. For the carpenter who is at work upon bridal repairs in my house has the fancy not uncommon among a class hereabouts to keep a tamed raccoon.

A badger-like animal of Madagascar, the Mangu, is also regarded as a civet: so, too, are the Coatis of the New World, though these last are evidently of much nearer kin to the badgers. Perhaps the curious creature known as the Potto, or Kinkajou, has more pretensions to a place among the civets: at all events, it deserves one in the general group of the weasels.

There it is! said I; heated blood, late supper, dancing, and all that. I can almost imagine that something has actually bitten me, when of course nothing of that kind has happened. Then, while I was furiously rubbing and scratching it, feeling a badger-like disposition to gnaw it off, my left arm was pierced with red-hot needles.

Robert Grant Burns was head-and-shoulders under the car, digging badger-like with his paws to clear the front axle, and coming up now and then to wipe the perspiration from his eyes and puff the purple out of his complexion. Pete Lowry always ducked his head lower over the jack when he saw the heaving of flesh which heralded these resting times, so that the boss could not catch him laughing.

I considered it better to run short in my return expenses than to tell a lie. "I cannot do it the way you want me to. I return this appointment." I shoved back the note. The principal winked his badger-like eyes and gazed at me. Then he said; "What I have said just now is what I desire of you. I know well that you cannot do all I want, So don't worry." And he laughed.