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The thing that makes either the little night-shirt or the little baby is something about which we know nothing whatever at all. Our Organism Man is a walking tool-box, manufactory, workshop and bazaar worked from behind the scenes by someone or something that we never see.

Lottie looked curiously around, with the quick, appreciative eye by which ladies seem to gather accurately at a glance the effect of a costume and the style and character of an apartment and its occupants. But she politely, and from a certain innate interest, gave such attention to the baby as to win the mother's heart.

"I am the person who has charge of putting the little ones to bed," said Miss Frost, going up and speaking in a trembling tone. "You may put all the other little ones to bed, as far as I am concerned," said Irene; "but you don't put my Agnes to bed." "But she is my Agnes, too." "No; she is mine. Agnes, say at once that you belong altogether to me; that you are my darling, my doll, my baby."

Home to her own dolls and toys and friends and duties everything that Mary Jane loved that is, most everything, for it was hard to leave the lamb and the duck now grown so big and interesting and the baby mice the new baby mice that had come to the barn loft family.

To think that we have gone through much the same sort of suffering. But I should have thought so small a baby as you must have been at the time would have been drowned." "I would have been if it hadn't been for one thing," returned our hero, with an odd little smile. "One thing? What was that?" "I doubt if you can guess."

"Think of that boy, who will soon be beginning to assert himself, and Molly, who is enough to keep a whole family on the alert, to say nothing of the baby. How are you going to manage?" His reference to Morton reminded her of their difference, which for a time she had forgotten, and she told him about it, adding, "What can I do?" "Stand firm," he said at once.

Jack Schuyler and Tom Blake went to one; the daughter of Jimmy Blair and Kathryn Blair to another. And the baby brother that had turned out to be a sister, and who had been named Elinor, stayed at home with the widow of Jimmy Blair; and the widow of Jimmy Blair was now hardly as lonely as were the parents of Jack Schuyler and Tom Blake.

"Lu, Lu!" the little one repeated in her sweet baby voice; and Lulu hugged her close, kissing her again and again, and saying softly, "You dear, sweet darling; sister loves you, indeed, indeed she does!"

"No, we'll leave Nicknack here," said his father, as he cuddled the little fellow up in his lap. Trouble said nothing more just then but, afterward, Ted remembered that Baby William seemed to be thinking pretty hard about something. A few days later, when some of the trunks had been partly packed, ready for the trip West, Mr.

"I should think you would be afraid to leave your wife and baby all alone there in the wilderness," said Sandy, regarding his new friend with evident admiration. "No neighbor nearer than Hunter's Creek, did you say? How far off is that?" "Well, a matter of six miles-like," replied Younkins. "It isn't often that I do leave them alone over night; but then I have to once in a while.