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I hanna seen the lad this two hour I'd welly forgot as he'd e'er growed up from a babby when's feyther carried him." Adam was seated on a rough bench, his head supported by his arm, which rested from the shoulder to the elbow on the long planing-table in the middle of the workshop.

"Ah! or the hinfant, if you like it better one as I found in a shawl, a-laying on the steps o' my van one night, sleeping like a alderman and it were snowing too." "Yet you are a thief!" "We calls it 'faking." "And ought to be given up to the authorities." "And who's to look arter the babby?" "Are you married?" "No," "Where is the baby?" "In my van." "And where is that?"

I'd ha' gi'en clean in if it hadna been fur my lass when th' little chap deed. I never tackledt owt i' aw my days 'at hurt me as heavy as losin' him did. I couldna abear th' sight o' his cradle, an' if ever I comn across any o' his bits o' playthings, I'd fa' to cryin' an' shakin' like a babby. I kept out o' th' way o' th' neebors' children even. I wasna like Rosanna.

I've bought you a little jacket to put on o' nights if it's cold or wet. An' when you want a lift why, here's your carriage, and you can sit up 'ere and ride like the Lord Mayor, and I'll be yer horse; the bundles'll set on yer knee like a fat babby. Tell yer what, mate looks to me as if I'd took a fancy to you."

F'r th' good iv th' cause I knocked th' babby down, Jawn, an' I on'y wish th' Queen iv England 'r th' Prince iv Wales cud be injooced to smoke wan iv th' seegars. Ye might as well go again a Roman candle. Th' wan I got was made iv baled hay, an' 'twas rumored about th' pa-ark that Hinnissy was wurrukin' off his surplus stock iv bumbs on th' pathrites.

"An' whativer they may say o' me ways down-stairs, it's the timper of a babby I have, an' would niver throw a harrd wurrd at a dog, let alone a human. Whin they think me cross, it's only that I'm a bit quoiet, an' who can wonder? thinkin' o' me pore brother as was drownded las' summer, an' him niver out o' me moind!"

Beside her sat Mrs Joe Davidson, endeavouring to remove, with butter, a quantity of tar with which the "blessed babby" had recently besmeared herself. They all looked up at the visitors, but all remained speechless, as if suddenly paralysed, for the expression on our big captain's face was wonderful, as well as indescribable.

Bunfit, hurried from their seats to help her. To neither of them did it occur for a moment that the fit was false. "The whole thing has been too much for her," said Mrs. Carbuncle severely, ringing the bell at the same time for further aid. "No doubt, mum; no doubt. We has to see a deal of this sort of thing. Just a little air, if you please, mum, and as much water as'd go to christen a babby.

"O my lord," said a policeman, "there was a hinquest on a babby, which was the female prisoner's babby and what had died. Then it come out afore Mr. Coroner, my lord, and he ordered the woman into custody, and then the man was took."

I don't let on to be a sailor like you, but ez I know the ship ez a boy knows his first boss, as a woman knows her first babby, I reckon thar ain't no treasure yer, onless it was brought into the Pontiac last night by them chaps." "But are you mad? Sleight would not pay three times the value of the ship to-day if he were not positive!