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But even the friendly pencil of Bon Gaultier approves the passage where an isle rises above the sea, and the boat is lightly stranded on the shore of pure and silver shells. The horrors of corruption, in the Third Chimera, may be left unquoted, Aytoun parodies "The chalk, the chalk, the cheese, the cheese, the cheeses, And straightway dropped he down upon his kneeses."

There were tears in Hildegarde's voice, if not in her eyes, as she read the writing, now yellow with age: "I, Hester Aytoun, being now sixteen years old, am putting away my dear dolls, the dearest dolls in the world.

The apostrophe to Lunacy which follows is marked "Beautiful" by Aytoun, and is in the spirit of Charles Lamb's remark that madness has pleasures unknown to the sane. "Thou art, thou art alone, A pure, pure being, but the God on high Is with thee ever as thou goest by." Julio watches again beside the Dead, till morning comes, bringing

While the attempt, by intensity of description and brilliant generalities, to impart to veritable history the charm we accept in the historical romance, has caused many an old-school reader to place Macaulay's fascinating volumes, called "The History of England," on the same shelf with works of fiction, Aytoun, Hugh Miller, and William Penn's champions have given special meaning to this principle or prejudice, whichever it may be, by challenging the delightful author to the test of fact.

James did not immediately make peace, holding himself possibly in readiness in the event of Warbeck's attaining any success. In August he again invaded England, and attacked Norham Castle, provoking a counter-invasion of Scotland by the Earl of Surrey. In September, Warbeck was captured, and, in the same month, a truce was arranged between Scotland and England, by the Peace of Aytoun.

Look out, my gentle chap," he resumed, in a different tone; "ye should see the lights at Brokenburn Glen by this time." THE GLENMUTCHKIN RAILWAY, By Professor Aytoun

I have not ridden in Scotland since James backed Richard, Duke of York, in his pretensions to the throne of England. Then, as you remember, I marched with Surrey's forces, and razed to the ground the tower of Aytoun." "For such need, my lord, trust old Norham gray. Here are guides who have spurred far on Scottish ground, who have tasted the ale of St.