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He drank; he laughed; he talked; he sang, too. He tried to waltz with his chair, and fell on the ground. From that moment, he forgot everything. It seemed to him, however, that they undressed him, put him to bed, and that he was nauseated. When he awoke, it was broad daylight, and he lay stretched with his feet against a cupboard, in a strange bed.

Then she was sure of her, and tasted hours of quiet, sad, delicious happiness; untilperhaps with that perverse expression glimmering from beneath her opening lidslittle Pearl awoke! How soonwith what strange rapidity, indeed!—did Pearl arrive at an age that was capable of social intercourse, beyond the mother's ever-ready smile and nonsense-words!

"And I awoke in struggles, and cried aloud, 'I will sleep no more!"

The engine-driver of the train whose noise awoke us to the present chapter was certainly troubled with no such reflections as these; nor is it very probable that his mind was disturbed by any reflections at all.

My friend Zacharias was accustomed to sleep with a heated stone at his feet; for the feet of Mr. Zacharias were as the feet of the dead. One night he retired as usual, and it chanced that he awoke some hours afterwards with a well-defined smell of burning leather, making it pleasant for his nostrils. "Mrs. Zacharias," said he, nudging his snoring spouse, "I wish you would get up and look about.

It must be a devil." I thought so, too, and exclaimed with some vehemence that the proper course for him to pursue was to have the cave filled in or blasted. That night I awoke at about one o'clock with the feeling very strong on me that something was prowling about under my window. For some time I fought against the impulse to get out of bed and look, but at last I yielded.

That night I went to bed expecting an attack of pneumonia as a result of the exposure, but I awoke next morning in superb condition. I possess what is called "an iron constitution," and in those days I needed it.

"Is this my gentle amiable dreamer?" "That is the word I wanted," said Nefert in a low tone. "I slept, and dreamed, and dreamed on till Mena awoke me; and when he left me I went to sleep again, and for two whole years I have lain dreaming; but to-day I have been torn from my dreams so suddenly and roughly, that I shall never find any rest again."

Refreshed by some breakfast, he went up to his old room and lay down in his shirt-sleeves, after the manner of the artizan. He fell asleep for a short while, and when he awoke it was as if he had awakened in hell. It WAS hell "the hell of conscious failure," both in ambition and in love.

Then he wept and began repeating: The blear eyed 'scapes the pits * Wherein the lynx eyed fall: A word the wise man slays * And saves the natural: The Moslem fails of food * The Kafir feasts in hall: What art or act is man's? * God's will obligeth all! When I awoke I went to the street called "Bayn al-Kasrayn" Between the two Palaces and presently returned and rested my night in the Khan.