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'Tis this: have 'e noticed heads close together now an' again when you passed by of late?" "Not me. Tu much business on my hands, I assure 'e. Coourse theer's envious whisperings; allus is when a man gets a high place, same as what I have, thanks to his awn gude sense an' the wisdom of others as knaws what he's made of. But you trusted me wi' all your heart, an' you'll never live to mourn it."

Tchut Tchut Theer ban't no God that's what's the matter!" "Billy! How can you?" "She'm gwaine to marry t'other, arter all! From her awn lips I've heard it! That's what I get for being a church member from the womb! That's my reward! God, indeed! Be them the ways o' a plain-dealin' God, who knaws what's doin' in human hearts? No fay! Bunkum an' rot!

"I rub't 'm t' wrang way o' t' hair," said the old man, "when I axt 'em what for they were going aboot preaching if it were all settled aforehand who was to be damned and who was to be saved. 'Ye'r a child of the devil, says one. 'Mebbee so, says I, 'and I dunnet know if the devil iver had any other relations; but if so, mebbee yersel's his awn cousin."

But if he wasn't lame I'd have some! I'd show ye 't I admire gameness in a kid. I would so." Jeff nudged his neighbor into laughter. "There ain't a gamer old bird in the valley than Pop," Jeff cried. "C'm awn, Pop, I'll bet yuh ten dollars the kid beats me!" Pop was shuffling hurriedly out of the corral after the liniment. To Jeff's challenge he made no reply whatever.

"'Tedn' no call for you nor yet me to meddle wi' the devil's awn business. The man'll roast for't when his time do come. You'd best to take your coats off an' cover this poor clay, lest the wummen should catch a sight an' go soundin'." They did as he bid them, and Mr. Bartlett laid his own coat upon the body likewise.

The central lobe is oblong and hollow, covering a small supernumerary floret inserted at its base. The two lateral lobes are narrower, sometimes linear, and are often prolonged into an awn, which is generally turned away from the center of the spike. The central lobe sometimes bears two florets at its base, although but one is usually present and it may be incomplete.

I said, nae doubt, that we should gang to sea to meet the lugger, though there will be a squall, and a heavy one, too, before night, as sure as I'm telling ye; but I didna say that we should dow sae under the bows o' the cutter, in our awn boat, or out o' Embleton." "Right, right, master," said another, "no more you did. Ned isn't half awake." The name of the fisherman alluded to was Ned Thomson.

"A letter comed while you was out," answered Chris; "he'm holding his awn, but 'tis doubtful yet how things be gwaine to fare in the upshot." "Be it as 'twill, mother can do more 'n any other living woman could for un," declared Will. As Mr.

Not but what I allus awn up to taking advice, if I follow it, an' no man 's readier to profit by the wisdom of his betters than me. That's how I've done all I have done in my time. T' other thought was to take your counsel an' see Miller 'pon it." "I was wrong, Will quite wrong. I've been thinking, tu. He mustn't knaw, nor yet mother, nor nobody. Quite enough knaws as 't is."

After the sermon, silence followed, broken by Vallack, who coughed once and again, then raised himself and braced his heart to the tremendous question that demanded answering. "I wants your awn feelin' like, mister. I must have it. I caan't sleep no more wi'out knawin' the best or worst. You be the justest man ever I seed or heard tell on out the Scriptures.