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It occurred to him to take the drawings home, and he came back next day with the praises of his family. "I wonder you didn't become a painter," he said. "Only of course there's no money in it." It chanced that Mr. Carter two or three days later was dining with the Watsons, and the sketches were shown him. The following morning he sent for Philip. Philip saw him seldom and stood in some awe of him.

Necessarily, therefore, the first resorts to the tragic elements of awe and distress, the second to the comic elements of humour and agreeable emotion.

No one spoke for a few moments, for the feeling upon us was one of awe. "I say, that was fine!" cried Bob at last. "Let's do another. You don't mind, do you, Sep?" "N-no," I said, "I don't think it does any harm." I spoke hesitatingly, as I could not help wondering what my father would have said had he been there.

Then she gave her hand to Oliver, and with his assistance crept through the hole. We followed, to find ourselves in another cavern, where, as she had said, the temperature was much hotter than that without. "What is this place?" asked Orme in a low voice, for its aspect seemed to awe him. "The tomb of the old kings of Mur," she replied.

Barnes in the immediate region of his nose, the same being in the nature of a defense. I remember that I regarded it with a kind of awe because I had been forbidden to speak of it. The command invested Mr. Barnes' nose with a kind of sanctity. Indeed it became one of the treasures of my imagination. That evening I was chiefly interested in the stove.

Her embrace was astonishing even to herself, for as a child Rhodo had been a figure of awe to her, and the feeling had deepened as the years had gone on, knowing as she did his work throughout the world for the Ry of Rys. In his face was secrecy, knowledge, and some tragic underthing which gave him, apart from his office, a singular loneliness of figure and manner.

As a matter of fact, her feelings toward him were not un-tinged with awe, since in the brief period of their association she had discovered in this handsome, godlike giant the attributes of the superman and the savage beast closely intermingled. At first she had felt only that unreasoning feminine terror which her unhappy position naturally induced.

They were welcomed in every lodge, and followed everywhere with eyes of curiosity, wonder, and awe. Dablon overflows with praises of the Miami chief; who was honored by his subjects like a king, and whose demeanor to wards his guests had no savor of the savage.

The withdrawal of the oppression and awe which had been on the men, the return of everything to its natural state, the sight of their houses unchanged, so that the brain turned round of these common people, who seldom reflect upon anything, and they already began to ask themselves was it all a delusion added to the exhaustion of their physical condition, and the natural desire for ease and pleasure after the long strain upon all their faculties produced an excitement which might have led to very disastrous consequences.

Then the car turned on its left side, and Horace rolled into the outstretched arms and elevated legs of Monsignor O'Donnell. He was kicked and embraced at the same moment, receiving these attentions in speechless awe, as he could not recall who was to blame for the introduction and the attitude.