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"Mais, Monsieur Andre, que vous avez l'air etrange; how funny you look dressed like that." The concierge was smiling at him from her cubbyhole beside the stairs. She sat knitting with a black shawl round her head, a tiny old woman with a hooked bird-like nose and eyes sunk in depressions full of little wrinkles, like a monkey's eyes.

Du reste, monsieur, on sait a present que vous avez enormement de genie; l'Empereur a donne l'ordre de representer votre opera. He moreover assured me that every facility should be placed at my disposal for the fulfilment of my wishes, and that henceforth I must make my arrangements direct with the manager Royer.

"Vraiment!" he exclaimed; "philosophers all belong to the devil. This Jean Jacques does not content himself with declining my offer, but he does it in an unheard-of manner. This is a work of art; I must read it again." The king read aloud in a most pathetic voice: "Votre majeste m'offre un asyle, et m'y prome la liberte; mais vous avez une epee, et vous etes roi.

"MONSIEUR: J'ai eu l'honneur de recevoir votre office du 6 du passé, par lequel vous avez exprimé le désir que la médaille instituée par feu le Roi Frédéric VI., en récompense de la découverte de comètes télescopiques, fût accordée

He laughed: "Vous avez toujours la replique," and stood there watching us with those peculiar eyes of his. I never received so many compliments on piano-playing as I did to-night. Black velvet, trimmed with braid, sable hat, sable tippet and muff. Brown cloth, trimmed with bands of sealskin, coat, hat, muff to match. Purple plush, trimmed with bands of pheasant feathers, coat, hat to match.

"'I thought the French admired gayety, I answered in the same tone. "'Be quiet: it isn't proper. "The rest of the way was accomplished in silence. We soon arrived at the station and bought our tickets. Of course we had half a dozen bundles: in gathering them up a most gentlemanly person accosted us and asked, 'Avez vous perdu quelque chose, mademoiselle?

"What are you going to do." "I am going to insult her in French. Observe the result." In another minute Fanny returned with the fresh water. As she placed the glass jug before Mr. Vimpany he suddenly laid his hand on her arm and looked her straight in the face. "Vous nous avez mis dedans, drolesse!"* he said. *In English: "You have taken us in, you jade!"

I observed her eyelids flicker and I said: "I think, before you scolded Sarah, you might have heard what she had to say." MLLE. DE MENNECY: "Ce que vous dites me choque profondement; il m'est difficile de croire que vous avez fait une pareille lachete, mademoiselle!" I only knew a few moments ago that you had been so amazingly unjust.

"Nous vous demandons ce que vous avez fait de nos tresors et de notre liberte?" "We want to know what you have done with our treasure and our liberty?" President. "Citoyens, vous etes dans le sein de la Convention Nationale." "Citizens, I must remind you that you are in the presence of the National Convention." People. "Du pain, du pain, Coquin Qu'as tu fait de notre argent?

The enemy seemed to waver, so I charged with a renewed request to see the English Consul. If what you state is true, you acted unadvisedly in not having your passport altered and REVISE when you parted with your servant. How long do you wish to remain here? Said I, 'Vous avez bien raison, Monsieur. Je suis evidemment dans mon tort. Ma visite a Varsovie etait une aberration.