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"HEMORRHOIDES AVEUGLES: nothing that, were it not for the disquietudes I feel: but all ends in this world, and so will these. ... I flatter myself your health is recovering. For these three days in continuance I have had so terrible a cramp, I thought it would choke me; it is now a little gone. Ib. ii. 410: "16th September."

The universal diffusion of sunlight is also a determining factor. The matter becomes still clearer when we contrast the experience of vident men with what we have been able to learn of the experiences of the blind. Nowhere have we found this aspect of the question discussed with the same clearness and ability as by M. Pierre Villey in his recently published essay, Le Monde des Aveugles Part III.

16. du Marais, Rue Culture Ste. Catherine. 17. de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. 18. des Victoires, Rue du Bacq. 19. de Moliere, Rue St. Martin. 20. de l'Estrapade. 21. de Mareux, Rue St. Antoine. 22. des Aveugles, Rue St. Denis. 23. de la Rue St. Jean de Beauvais. Bal masque de l'Opera, Rue de la Loi. 25. de l'Opera Buffa, Rue de la Victoire.

Undoubtedly, so far as we are aware, the most valuable contribution to this aspect of the discussion is to be found in a little volume recently published in Paris under the title Le Monde des Aveugles. The author, M. Pierre Villey, is himself blind.