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The elder boy galloped up. "We've seen the monkeys. And one great big monkey looked like " "Allô, maman! Allô, papa! N's avons vu les singes mais des drôles! Il y en avait un qui " The children caught their father round the knees. Stooping, he put his arms about them, urging them toward their mother. They were to plead for him to be his advocates.

I thought of Barbey d'Aurevilly's phrase, "Elle avait l'air de monter vers Dieu les mains toutes pleines de bonnes oeuvres." Isadora's teaching has had its results but her influence has been wider in other directions. Fokine thanks her for the new Russian Ballet.

"Eh bien. Monsieur, comment trouvez-vous la liberte et l'egalite mises en action?" "Mais, Monsieur, je vous avoue que ie beau ideal que nous autres, nous avons concu de tout cela a Paris, avait quelque chose de plus poetique que ce que nous trouvons ici!" On another occasion I was excessively amused by the tone in which one of these young men replied to a question put to him by another Frenchman.

Having composed more verses than any man that ever lived, Hugo can only be taken in the smallest doses; if you repeat any passage to a friend across a café table, you are both appalled by the splendour of the imagery, by the thunder of the syllables. "Quel dieu, quel moissonneur de l'éternel été Avait en s'en allant négligemment jeté Cette faucille d'or dans les champs des étoiles."

Fireflies were twinkling over the darkened meadow. They caught them, tied them with threads into shining festoons and hung them before the altar, where the Host remained exposed. Then they pitched their tents, lighted their bivouac fires, stationed their guards and lay down to rest. "On avait point de lampes ardentes devant le St.

Whether a few years' experience had rendered his father more patient generally, or whether he had become alive to the charm of babyhood to which he had hitherto remained insensible it was a fact first noticed by the nurse that "Monsieur, quand la petite criait, voulait savoir ce qu'elle avait, et la prenait meme dans ses bras pour la consoler." A very important event now occurred: Mr.

Ah! c'etait un bon chien, cet Andre Jackson, et il se serait fait un nom, s'il avait vecu, car il y avait de l'etoffe en lui, il avait du genie, je la sais, bien que de grandes occasions lui aient manque; mais il est impossible de supposer qu'un chien capable de se battre comme lui, certaines circonstances etant donnees, ait manque de talent.

"Mademoiselle is like nobody else; elle avait toujours son idée." "Parfaitement, comme disent les paysannes de chez vous, d'une bête qui ne ressemble pas au troupeau et qui allait toujours." "Oui, mademoiselle a eu toujours son idée. So Sir Owen thinks it was fear of going back to the stage that persuaded mademoiselle to " "Something like that, Mérat. She liked Mr. Dean."

Once when he had spoken to her with a severity which alarmed Mercy, who feared it might irritate the queen, "Il me dit en riant qu'il en avait agi ainsi pour sonder l'âme de la reine, et voir si par la force il n'y aurait pas moyen d'obtenir plus que par la douceur." Mercy to Maria Teresa, Arneth, iii., p. 79. Arneth, iii., p. 73.

Of course, while I am telling you things like this you will have to bring your imagination into play, as very few vestiges of the old days remain. I still get just as much fun out of Il y avait une fois, even when the "once on a time" can only be conjured up with closed eyes.