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The process was so rapid that his racing experience was of little avail as an asset, so he committed the first great wise act of his life-turned his back upon the race course and marched into finance, so strongly, so persistently, that at forty he was wealthy and the banker of Brookfield.

I however, for one, am no advocate for their employment on either side, for it must be admitted they are a terrible and a cruel enemy, sparing neither age nor sex." "Again, Major," returned the General, "do we shield ourselves under our former plea that, as an assailed party, we have a right to avail ourselves of whatever means of defence are within our reach.

Many reasons were conjectured by the young man, who, at last, resolved on pushing through his application, if personal efforts could be of any avail. To this end, he repaired to the seat of government, and waited on the Secretary. In his interviews with this functionary, some expressions were dropped that caused a suspicion of the truth to pass through his mind.

The commercial value of an impeyan skin has varied from five dollars to twenty dollars, according to the number received annually. In 1876 an estimate placed the monthly average of impeyans received in London at from two to eight hundred. In such a case as Nepal, direct protective laws are of no avail.

Eugene had always heretofore apparently feared her wrath; now he cared nothing for that. He had been subject, in times past, to a certain extent to those alluring blandishments which the married will understand well enough, but these were as ashes. Her charms meant nothing to him. She had hoped that the thought of a coming child would move him, but no, it was apparently without avail.

She started at the first sound, but quickly recovering herself, replied, in a tone as low: "Of what avail? My usefulness here is ended. I will give place to another, and Heaven will employ me somewhere else." "Be it so," said the Knight; "yet fly, for the sake of thy liberty, perhaps of thy life." "I fear not for my life," she added; "and as for my liberty, I cannot long be deprived of it."

The curtains were all drawn closely round the bed to shield her eyes from the bright moonlight which streamed into the room so brilliantly. They might have closed the shutters of the window, but this they did not like to do, as it would render their watch there of no avail at all, inasmuch as they would not be able to see if any attempt was made by any one to obtain admittance.

And he begged Florian to tell him where he had been all the long year. So Florian told the Prince of his adventures. Now, the chains which the Prince wore were riveted cruelly upon him, and since there was no lock to them, the magic key was of no avail.

If so, she felt instinctively that all their efforts to redeem him would be in vain, and that neither sister's love nor Pierre's remonstrances would avail to prevent his return. He was the slave of the lamp and Angelique its possessor. "Heaven forbid, Heloise!" she said faintly; "Le Gardeur is lost if he return to the city now!

'Hold her head a little up t' ease her breathin' while I go for master; he'll be for sendin' for t' doctor, I'll be bound. Sylvia took her mother's head and laid it fondly on her breast, speaking to her and trying to rouse her; but it was of no avail: the hard, stertorous breathing grew worse and worse. Sylvia cried out for help; Nancy came, the baby in her arms.