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Even before reading the manuscript of M. Constant, we were strongly persuaded that impressions so unusual and so striking would raise him to the level of the occasion. The reader can now judge of this for himself. These are the memoirs of M. Constant, autographic memoirs of one still living, who has written them to preserve his recollections.

His world-renowned song of "The Sea" he afterward gave me in his own handwriting, and it is still among my autographic treasures. It was Procter who first in my hearing, twenty-five years ago, put such an estimate on the poetry of Robert Browning that I could not delay any longer to make acquaintance with his writings.

A card bearing the autographic signature of Charles Dickens or George Cruikshank, though only a lithographic facsimile, would have a certain interest; whereas the signature of John Smith would be not only valueless, but would make the owner ridiculous. The visiting cards of gentlemen are half the size of those used by ladies.

It was at this time that Prince Albert sent to Mendelssohn the book of the oratorio "Elijah" with which he used to follow the performance, with the following autographic inscription: "To the noble artist, who, surrounded by the Baal worship of corrupted art, has been able by his genius and science to preserve faithfully like another Elijah the worship of true art, and once more to accustom our ear, lost in the whirl of an empty play of sounds, to the pure notes of expressive composition and legitimate harmony to the great master, who makes us conscious of the unity of his conception through the whole maze of his creation, from the soft whispering to the mighty raging of the elements: Written in token of grateful remembrance by Albert.

Besides this autographic addition, enhancing forever the value of this old copy of Pope's immortal poem, I find the following little note, in Lamb's clerkly chirography, addressed to "Mr. Wainright, on Thursday. "Dear Sir, Cold meat at 9. Puns at a little after. Mr. Cary wants to see you, to scold you. I hope you will not fail. "Yours &c. &c. &c.

This apparatus requires two batteries, as, in fact, do all autographic telegraphs one for sending the current through the selenium, and one for working the receiver, etc. D. Brass rail, grooved and connected with the line wire working the receiver. F. Contacts connected underneath with a wire permanently connected with battery. C. Contacts connected to insulated wires from selenium.

Even before reading the manuscript of M. Constant, we were strongly persuaded that impressions so unusual and so striking would raise him to the level of the occasion. The reader can now judge of this for himself. These are the memoirs of M. Constant, autographic memoirs of one still living, who has written them to preserve his recollections.

It may have been brought by the giver from some far or famous place; it may be unique in its workmanship; it may be valuable only from association with some great man or strange event. Autographic papers, foreign curiosities, and the like, are elegant gifts. An author may offer his book, or a painter a sketch, with grace and propriety.

It may have been brought by the giver from some far or famous place; it may be unique in its workmanship; it may be valuable only from association with some great man or strange event. Autographic papers, foreign curiosities, and the like, are elegant gifts. An author may offer his book, or a painter a sketch, with grace and propriety.

Many of them express the freer qualities of real pen-drawing an autographic character in the line-work akin to that secured in original etching. The pen is an instrument that works best on a small scale, in which it can be manipulated flexibly in the fingers; in this it is like the etching-needle itself.