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Even the atheist has his uses; nay, even the splenetic preacher may fill an important niche in the great world's economy may be a real blessing in disguise. Very remarkable is it that Christ's holy cause best prospered, was purest, most powerful for good when most persecuted, "The blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church." From the auto da fe arose the anthem that thrilled the Pagan heart.

He might have had me killed that time his auto ran me down," interrupted Ruth, indignantly. "But the trouble is, we cannot prove that," Mr. Hammond hastened to repeat. "I will see that you are fully protected from him hereafter." Mr. Hammond did not realize what a large undertaking that was to be. But he meant it at the time.

"Doro, dear, if you only would get over that abominable thinking habit! See what happened to me when I thought I was was going to be locked up for the night in the little railroad station! Why, along whisked an auto, and the lady with the scared-to-death-hair looked at me. Seeing me was believing. That was what I got for thinking on the wrong stoop. And weren't they dears? Did you mind the veils?

None of them would much mind if all Anarchist literature were consumed in an auto da and the authors thereof rendered harmless by being sent off to Siberia or New Caledonia. Such judgments are easily passed, but whether one could settle the question permanently thereby is another matter.

If, for example, the killing of a heretic or an infidel were an essential matter for the future salvation of the soul, almost every one would make it the principal object of his life, and in dying get consolation and strength from the remembrance of his having succeeded; just as, in truth, in former times almost every Spaniard looked upon an auto da f� as the most pious of acts and one most pleasing to God.

"I am not yet come to be sandwich man for an eating-house." I walked over to a table where I had left my cane and gloves. I heard the whirr of the alarm in the cab below and I turned quickly. Van Sweller was gone. I rushed down the stairs and out to the curb. An empty hansom was just passing. I hailed the driver excitedly. "See that auto cab halfway down the block?" I shouted. "Follow it.

In the center of the road lay a rolled-up bundle of papers secured with a rubber band. "Somebody has dropped something from another auto or a wagon," cried Jess. "I think so," said Peggy in excited tones, as she descended from the car, "and I've an idea that these papers have been dropped from Mr. Harding's car.

So, having made a nice bed of rags for her Teddy bear, Sue put Sallie Malinda to sleep near the rear door of the auto and got out one of her books to look at the pictures. Bunny was building some sort of house with some new blocks his father had bought for him, but he was not having very good luck, for the motion of the auto made the house topple over almost as soon as Bunny had it built.

Though neither of the submarine boys could yet suspect it, they were soon to stumble into much more than relics of the past. They were destined to find themselves exposed to one of the greatest surprises of their already eventful lives. "Here we are," cried Mlle. Nadiboff, as the auto stopped near the north end of the castle. "May you discover something to interest you!"

As we gather here tonight, the state of our Union is strong, but our economy is troubled. For too many of our fellow citizens farmers, steel and auto workers, lumbermen, black teenagers, working mothers this is a painful period. We must all do everything in our power to bring their ordeal to an end.