United States or Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'A charge, you mean? said Ken eagerly. 'That's it, sonny. Before they've got over the effects of that swate little pasting. Sure enough, a minute later came the order for advance, and, refreshed by their long rest, the Australians and New Zealanders came pouring over their parapet, and with bayonets flashing in the evening sun, rushed forward through the scrub.

We may also compare with them the POGOMAGAN, the badge of office of Indian chiefs on the Mackenzie River, the Tartar KEMOUS, the sticks on which the Australians mark by conventional signs any event of importance to themselves or their tribe, and the similar objects from Persia, Assam, the Celebes, and New Zealand. But why seek examples so far away?

We are all sorry for the Q. Staff who, through no fault of their own, have been late for the fair, their special fair, the preparation, and find the show is practically over. On paper at least, the Australians and New Zealanders and the 29th Division are properly fixed up. We should begin embarking these formations within the next three days.

But the most gorgeous of all flowering trees, as distinguished from creepers, is the sea-loving pohutu kawa. When the wind is tossing its branches the contrast is startling between its blood-red flowers and the dark upper side and white, downy under side of its leaves. Like the Australians, New Zealand Colonists call their forest "bush."

There is, I assure you, a very affectionate feeling entertained by South Australians towards this colony a feeling that has been in existence for a long time, and which is growing deeper and deeper every day.

We have seen that the art of love has an independent and amply justifiable right to existence apart, altogether, from procreation. Even if we still believed as all men must once have believed and some Central Australians yet believe that sexual intercourse has no essential connection with the propagation of the race it would have full right to existence.

All the leagues of parkland, woodland, moorland, farmland that were its inheritance would have impressed him, not because of their area because Americans and Australians are accustomed to mere crude area in their own departments of the planet but because of the amazing amount of old-world History transacted within its limits; the way the antecedent Earls meddled in it; their magnificent record of treachery and bloodshed and murder; wholesale in battle, retail in less showy, but perhaps even more interesting, private assassination; fascinating cruelties and horrors unspeakable!

At dawn, at noon, when the sun was reddening in the west, just before the dusk, in pitch darkness, even, the steady, regular bombardment that had never ceased all through the days and nights would concentrate into the great tumult of sudden drum-fire, and presently waves of men English or Scottish or Irish, Australians or Canadians would be sweeping on to them and over them, rummaging down into the dugouts with bombs and bayonets, gathering up prisoners, quick to kill if men were not quick to surrender.

On paper, the Turks no doubt might assert with equal force that if they got forces enough together to drive the Australians back a short two hundred yards they could give the Sultan the resounding prestige of a Peninsula freed from the Giaour.

Lucky Birdwood to command the Australians and lucky Australians to have him as commander! It was he who in choosing a telegraph code word made up "Anzac" for the Australian-New Zealand corps, which at once became the collective term for the combination. What a test he put them to and they put him to!