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"T'ai-je dit que j'avais trouve ici-meme un locataire etudiant la botanique a 'l'herbarium' tous les jours, et qu'en nous promenant ensemble au jardin, les soirs, il m'apprend les noms des arbres qui ne sont pas indiques. J'ai aussi des fleurs sur ma fenetre: je t'en donne une.

"True, Senor Englishman," said she softly and glancing up at me through her hair; "he hath a hook very sharp and bright, in place of his left hand. You know him? He is your friend yes?" "I know him for a cursed pirate and murderer!" "Moi aussi, mon ami!" said she, fixing me with her great eyes. "I am pirate, yes and have used dagger and pistol ere to-day and shall again."

This orang-outang assassinated two women, a mother and daughter. Et moi aussi, j'ai assassiné moralement deux femmes, la mère et sa fille. I have always taken this story as an allusion to my misfortunes. You, M. Baudelaire, would do me a great favour if you could find the date when Edgar Poe, supposing he was not assisted by any one, wrote his tale.

"This is a comfortable abode for the warm months, and one it might be well to visit oftener." "When Monsieur le Patteron shall be de lor' of ce manoir, aussi, he shall come when he shall have la volonté," returned François, who knew that a pleasantry of his ought not to be construed into an engagement on the part of her he served, while it could not fail to be agreeable to him who heard it.

He approached it in the spirit of an artist, as an aesthete, not as a philosopher, and so far as he proved anything he proved that Christianity is valuable because it is beautiful, not because it is true. He aimed at showing that it can "enchanter l'ame aussi divinement que les dieux de Virgile et d'Homere."

Je voudrois donc, 1°. de France, gens d'armés, gens de trait, archers et arbalêtriers, en aussi grand nombre qu'il seroit possible, et composés comme je l'ai dit ci dessus; 2°. d'Angleterre, mille hommes d'Armes et dix mille archers; 3°. d'Allemagne, le plus qu'on pourroit de gentilshommes et de leurs crennequiniers

If Voltaire exclaims 'O métaphysique, métaphysique, nous sommes aussi avancés qu'aux temps des Druides', Kant sadly admits the fact, sets himself to diagnose its cause, and if possible to discover or devise a remedy.

J'eus occasian de voir aussi dans Andrinople des chaînes de chrétiens qu'on amenoit vendre. Ils demandoient l'aumône dans les rues. Mais le coeur saigne quand on songe

Thought flashed along the street to a station. He saw trains... 'Come at once! You're wanted here some one calls you! sounded a breathless merry voice beside him. 'Come quickly; aussi schnell que moglich! There was a great gulp of happiness in him; his spirit plunged in joy. He turned and looked about him swiftly. That singing voice, with its impudent mingling of languages was unmistakable.

They have been so far blindfolded that they could see but for a few steps in front of them, yet so far free to see that those steps were taken with aim and definitely, and not in the dark. "Plus il a su," says Buffon, speaking of man, "plus il a pu, mais aussi moins il a fait, moins il a su." This holds good wherever life holds good.