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Agreez, mon cher Reeve, mes salutations bien cordiales, que je presente aussi a toute votre famille. Votre bien devoue, The Journal continues: Charles Peel was appointed Clerk of the Council. 22nd. Jarnac died a great loss. I drove down with Lord Derby to the funeral. April 1st. Saw Salvini in 'Othello' at Drury Lane. Very fine. 2nd. To Christchurch. Roof on house at Foxholes.

It is said that when Humboldt, the celebrated traveller and naturalist, was introduced to Buonaparte, the Emperor addressed him in these words 'Vous aimez la botanique, Monsieur'; and on the other's replying in the affirmative, added, 'Et ma femme aussi! This has been found fault with as a piece of brutality and insolence in the great man by bigoted critics, who do not know what a thing it is to get a Frenchwoman to agree with them in any point.

General, il est temps que les Americains libres de l'Ouest soient debarasses d'un ennemie aussi injuste que meprisable." When I had finished I glanced at the General, but he seemed not to be heeding me. The sun was setting above the ragged line of forest, and a blue veil was spreading over the tumbling waters. He took me by the arm and led me into the house, into a bare room that was all awry.

I will not run the risk of weakening the force of Moerenhout's description of the prophetic state by translating it: "Un individu, dans cet etat, avait le bras gauche enveloppe d'un morceau d'etoffe, signe de la presence de la Divinite. Il ne parlait que d'un ton imperieux et vehement. Ses attaques, quand il allait prophetiser, etaient aussi effroyables qu'imposantes.

The bruit of his exploits had gone abroad, and among certain Carlists it seemed to be the opinion, as one of them remarked to me, that "Il a fait de grandes choses, mais de grandes bêtises aussi." He was making war altogether too seriously for their tastes. Antonio Lizarraga was appointed Commandant-General of Guipúzcoa about that period, and ordered Santa Cruz to report to him.

He thought of these things, he thought of every thing; but he had always his resource at hand of turning all to the easy. "Has she come with designs upon me?" And then in a moment, as if even this were almost too grave, he sounded the note that had least to do with himself. "Est-elle toujours aussi belle?" That was the furthest point, somehow, to which Charlotte Stant could be relegated. Mrs.

Somehow she is found by this Madame Delchasse. Monsieur and Madame Delchasse, they have once together the res'traw. Monsieur is very fond of the escargot a la Bourgogne, and one day he eat too many escargot. Madame, she run the res'traw, sell great many meal to the dam-yankees; sell the cook-book to the dam- yankees aussi. Thus she get rich very rich, and buy the house on l'Esplanade.

Il s'est mepris aussi sur les caractères de la méthode scolastique de connaître la constitution intime du monde experimental; il croît cette méthode exclusivement deductive." We have felt that candour demanded that we should quote the foregoing passage coming as it does from a source exceptionally well qualified to express an opinion.

That after the eloquent declarations I had composed overnight! 'And she? 'She answered quite simply, "Et moi, je t'aime tant, aussi." And then she began to cry. And when I asked her what she was crying for, she explained that I oughtn't to have left her in doubt for so long; she had been so unhappy from fear that I didn't "love her so." She was quite unfemininely frank, you see.

"Et moi aussi," he murmured, like the vast murmur of the sea, "I want to be in that dance! Pardonnez, messieurs. Moi, je veux danser, s'il vous plait." And when he had filled himself he plunged out and rushed away, wrought up to the extreme fighting pitch of temper. Diable! if he could but come across that Lieutenant Barlow, how he would smash him and mangle him!