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Entre nous, Mademoiselle, I wish, in some cases, that they would do it every day." "Et moi aussi!" exclaimed Mademoiselle, nodding eagerly. "Maine herself is lovely," said Miss Cram. "I think hers is really the prettiest costume in the room; all that soft brown and yellow is really charming, and suits her to perfection."

Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

"Chez tous les singes, les plis posterieurs se developpent les premiers; les plis anterieurs se developpent plus tard, aussi la vertebre occipitale et la parietale sont-elles relativement tres-grandes chez le foetus. M. Huxley, par exemple, n'hesite pas sur ce point. Le reste de la surface cerebrale est encore absolument lisse."

M. de Talleyrand, who was not much pleased with the choice, observed in a dry sarcastic tone, "You must send Andre 'aussi', I Pray, who is this Andre?" "I did not mention any Andre; I said Andreossi. You know Andreossi, the general of artillery?" "Ah! true; Andreossi: I did not think of him: I was thinking only of the diplomatic men, and did not recollect any of that name.

But, so long as he was young, he had no reason to think about his ancestors; and, when he was old, he had no reason to care about them; he knew himself to be, in every possible case, the most important fact in his family history. Roi ne suis, ni Prince aussi, Suis le seigneur de Conti, he wrote, a few years back, to a friend who had incidentally questioned him about it.

"Mais aussi je pense

In England many are the tales of scandal that have been related of the Consul and all his family: I don't believe them. A lady told me it was "vraiment extraordinaire qu'un jeune homme comme lui ait de moeurs si exemplaires et d'ailleurs on ne s'attend pas qu'un homme soit fidele a une femme qui est plus agee que lui: mais si agee aussi!

Je veux aller querir la justice, et faire donner la question a toute ma maison; a servantes, a valets, a fils, a fille, et a moi aussi." PRINCE DE GATINAIS, an old nobleman, who affects yesterday's fashion. Louis QUILLAN, formerly LOUIS DE SOYECOURT, son to the Prince, and newly become GRAND DUKE OF NOUMARIA. VANRINGHAM, valet to the Prince.

"But she eloped with her true love, young Annekje Van Schoule; left the home in Hickory Street one night, and went far away, away up beyond One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, somewhere, and then wrote them about it." "And left the sampler?" "She had her husband she didn't need any old sampler after that Le mariage porte conseil, aussi, monsieur.

His hat, that is still preserved in Chelsea, formed an important clue. Tres-certainement c'est cela aussi, mais c'est bien d'avantage. Le Dandysme est toute une maniere d'etre et l'on n'est pas que par la cote materiellement visible.