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So all day long he piped away on his tiny pipe, and in the evening, when he brought the flock home, he went to his Auntie and said, 'Auntie dear, a great big wolf asked me to-day if he should eat me, or your sheep. Which shall it be? Then his Auntie looked at the wee little shepherd, and at the fat flock, and said sharply, 'Which shall it be? why, you, of course!

"Ah, dear child! we can see many beauties in those we love that are imperceptible to other eyes," Elsie returned with a quiet smile. "But, mamma, every one sees you to be both young and beautiful in looks. You look far too young to be addressed as grandma by Max and Lulu, or even Gracie. I wish you would not allow it, but let them call you auntie."

But when my trembling lips had forced themselves into speech, all the nervousness used to vanish and I was swept away by an enthusiasm that readily clothed itself in balanced sentences, and alack! at the end, I too often hoped that God and Auntie had noticed that I prayed very nicely a vanity certainly not intended to be fostered by the pious exercise.

Then Yaspard went down to supper, and while demolishing his porridge he said, "Will you make me up a bit of ferdimet, auntie? I am going off early to-morrow to fish. "I suppose the Harrisons go with you?" said Aunt Osla. "Don't forget about your uncle's message to Lunda." "No, I won't forget." "You could run across to the post-office before going to fish, and get it over," she added.

"By the way," interrupted Miss Millet, "that reminds me that the captain's little girl Rose Rosebud, as he calls her is to come here this very evening to stay with me for a week." "Indeed? that will be pleasant, auntie. I must come and see her as an old acquaintance." "Oh yes, you must, Jeff. You've no idea what a sweet girl she has become.

So Tom Teeter, the Johnstones, the Cleggs, and the MacAllisters were forced to content themselves with sending gifts of cream and fresh eggs and chicken-soup and currant jelly to the poor little guest at The Dale, until her hosts were embarrassed by their riches. But Auntie Jinit's offer was not to be so put aside.

"No coom," says Helma, shakin' her head solemn. "Why, you she-Ananias, you!" I gasps. "Do you mean to tell me that " "I beg pardon," says a familiar acetic acid voice behind us and I turns to see Auntie steppin' out of the elevator. "Were you looking for someone?" she goes on. "You've guessed it," says I. "In fact, we was " "Madam," breaks in Mr.

Generals, and officers and gentlemen. . . . I kept looking out of window and counting and counting till I gave it up." "I'd as soon they did not come at all," said Auntie; she looked sadly at her niece and added: "They only waste the time for my poor orphan girl." Anna Akimovna felt hungry, as she had eaten nothing since the morning.

So as you've got to' he dropped his harshness and became persuasive 'you may as well come with a good grace. 'But it wunna my fault as I stayed the night over. It was aunt Prowde's. What for should folk chide me and not auntie? 'Lord, I don't know! Because you're pretty. 'Be I? 'Hasn't that fellow told you so? 'No. He dunna say much.

One of these chunky, square-jawed gents, Captain Lennon is, and about as sociable as a traffic cop on duty. His job is runnin' the yacht, and he sticks to it. "Captain," says Mr. Ellins, "I want to know something about your crew. What are they like, now?" The Cap looks sort of puzzled. "Why, they're all right, I guess," says he. "Please don't guess," cuts in Auntie.