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As if to show how right he was, Grandpapa had died early in that summer of 'ninety-five, one month after they had moved into West End House. That still left Grannie and Auntie Louie and Auntie Emmeline and Auntie Edie for Anthony to look after. She was thinking of them now. She hoped that they would come early in time to see the children.

See?" she twinkled mischievously, as she hurried from the room, before Aunt Polly had time to answer. It was certainly a hard day, and by night Pollyanna looked pale and worn out. This, too, was a source of worriment to Aunt Polly. "Dear me, child, you look tired to death!" she fumed. "WHAT we're going to do I don't know. I suppose YOU'LL be sick next!" "Nonsense, auntie!

There was, indeed, a danger his seniors said so of his developing into a regular "Auntie Fuss" of an adjutant, and when an officer once takes to old-maidism there is more hope for the virgin of seventy than for him.

He's spent most of his life slippin' things over on the government. Auntie, though! A steady, solemn old girl with her pedigree printed in the Social Register. You wouldn't have thought it of her. "Some plunger, Auntie, eh?" says I to Vee. "She don't seem to care what happens." "I never knew she could be so reckless," says Vee. "Getting us chased by a warship! Isn't that rather dangerous, Torchy?"

There was no fire in this wind-swept chamber of Auntie Jan's. Tony dozed and woke and woke and dozed, getting colder and more forlorn and miserable with each change of position. The sheets seemed made of ice, so slippery were they, so unkind and unyielding and unembracing. Presently he saw a dim light. Auntie Jan had come to bed, carrying a candle.

That was the real mischief in his life, if you think of it." Auntie Nan looked up with her needle at poise above the sampler, and said in a nervous voice, "The real mischief of your father's life, Philip, was love what they call love. But love is not that.

"It must look well with a five hundred-dollar note for a background. I tell you, Doro, money covers a multitude of crimes. I wonder if little Lily of the fire room has cooled off yet." "But you haven't seen the new clothes auntie had brought us yes us, for she has not forgotten you. You are well able to pay bills now, you know," and Dorothy gave a mischievous little tug at Tavia's elbow.

'Not yet, please, auntie! pleaded Daisy, 'I want him to be quite cured, and it will take at least till bedtime. Then we'll make it up to him. But Don had understood at last. It was this detestable thing, then, that had been telling tales of him and spoiling all his fun! Very well, let him find himself alone with it just once!

For long hours I did mightily wish she would speak. And at last she did; the red lips parted, and out leaps her thought and with such a guileless and pretty enthusiasm, too: "Auntie, I just KNOW I've got five hundred fleas on me!" That was probably over the average. Yes, it must have been very much over the average. She became a sort of contribution-box.

The English footman, in buff and scarlet, ushered them into the drawing-room with the formality proper to strangers. To their surprise they found Ross there. He was sitting at the piano strumming a music-hall ditty. As the door opened be shuffled to his feet, shook hands distantly with Auntie Nan, and nodded his head to Philip. The young man was by this time a sapling well fed from the old tree.