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"'Aue te hanahana, aua ho'i te kaikai, said his father-in-law. 'He who will not labor, neither shall he eat. But the white man laughed and ate and labored not. "A season passed and another, and there came a time of little rain. The bananas were few, and the breadfruit were not plentiful.

"Aue! Hélas!" I had it in my mouth to say that she was as beautiful and as smooth-skinned as any of her forebears. She was as enticing as imaginable, her languorous eyes alight as she spoke, and her bare limbs moving in the vigor of her thoughts. But I could not think of anything in French or English not banal, and my Tahitian was yet too limited to permit me to tutoyer her.

They responded with a will, and then, as a second rocket shot upward, a deep "Aue!" of admiration was chorused forth by the occupants of the canoes, which were trying hard to keep pace with the swift whale-boat. "We'll see her as soon as we get round the north end, ma'am," said the half-caste, as he swung the boat's head towards a passage through the surrounding reef. Mrs.

On one of the stones of the paepae was a footprint, perfect from heel to toe, and evidently not artificially made. "Hoouiti stood here when he hurled his spear across the island," said Strong in Battle. "He was not a big man, as you see by his foot's mark." "Fifteen kilometers! A long hurling of a spear," said I. "Aue! he was very strong. He lived on this paepae.

"Aue!" they cried as I showed them my speed, which would be a shame to a typist. Chiefs especially were my visitors, thinking it proper to their estate and to mine that they should call upon me and invite me to their seats of government.

Had he known matches in his youth? Aue! The peoples of the islands must return to the ways of their fathers! He leaped from the top of the Pekia, and seizing his long knife, he cut a five-foot piece of parua-wood and shaped it to four inches in width. With our fascinated gaze upon him, he whittled sharp a foot-long piece of the same wood, and straddled the longer stick.