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But the old man bore it well, making but few audible moans, shedding no tears, altering in very little the habits of life; still spending money, because it was good for others that it should be spent, and only speaking of his son when it was necessary for him to allude to those altered arrangements as to the family property which it was necessary that he should make.

In the Thalamege, where was the general meeting, Pantagruel made a short but sweet exhortation, wholly backed with authorities from Scripture upon navigation; which being ended, with an audible voice prayers were said in the presence and hearing of all the burghers of Thalassa, who had flocked to the mole to see them take shipping.

Corson," she answered in tones that were scarcely audible. "Corson? Who the d-d-deuce is Corson, and what the deuce does he want?" he asked, rising and approaching the door. The instant his eyes fell on the countenance of the Quaker, he threw up both hands and uttered a prolonged whistle of astonishment. "The preacher!" he exclaimed. "The lost is found. The p-p-prodigal has returned.

Braceway instinctively drew his chair closer to the bed so as to catch all of the scarcely audible words. "Just occurred to me," the sick man struggled on, "just before I had this hemor Ought to have somebody, extra man, working with Platt and Delaney. Tell you why: if Morley mailed the jewelry that night of the murder, he wasn't fool enough to mail it to himself or to his own house.

Wonder, with perhaps some foreboding of what the answer would be, is audible in the question, 'Who art Thou? Who can imagine the shock of the answer to Saul's mind?

They had seen her staggering along the portage paths laden with heavy burdens; they had seen her struggling to row a boat up river against a strong current; they had met her dripping with wet, or covered with frost, like an Esquimaux: but this stately girl with the beautiful face, clad in her white bridal robe, and with Mary's veil over her shining hair, was a revelation to them, and it was Oily Dave who voiced the opinion of the assembly when he exclaimed in a very audible tone: "My word, but ain't she a stunner!"

No audible prayers were repeated, but the hearts of these sincere mourners were filled with the spirit of prayer; and He who wants no vain words to praise Him, accepted the solemn but silent service. The grave was filled, and the fugitives used all their ingenuity to conceal the broken ground, that it might not betray them to the ruthless slave-hunters, who might soon visit the spot.

"Then you persist in going back to that house?" "Would you have me leave my father without a son's care? I shall remain at Madeleine's while it is necessary for my father to stay there." Maurice spoke with a decision that admitted no argument. The countess shut her door, and the sound of the turned key was distinctly audible.

Arrow got the strong waters that destroyed him. Dick was gone but a little while, and during his absence Israel spoke straight on in the cook's ear. It was but a word or two that I could catch, and yet I gathered some important news; for, besides other scraps that tended to the same purpose, this whole clause was audible: "Not another man of them'll jine."

Tything-man Eliot was the spokesman as the four stood to administer justice. "We regret, Goodman Fryer, that since you have disobeyed the strict orders of the Church, not only by sleeping, but also by disturbing the meeting with an audible snort, we must comply with our laws and place you in the stocks, within the cage built for that purpose."