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But at the end of that time she marched into the parlor one day, attired for a walk, and astonished them all by gravely announcing her intention of going to see Dolly. "What are you going for?" said Mrs. Phil. "Rather sudden, is n't it?" commented Mollie. "I 'm going on business," returned Aimée, and she buttoned her gloves and took her departure, without enlightening them further.

I smiled and shook hands and gave the car into the charge of my chauffeur, who appeared from the stable-yard. In the hall, aided by Franklin, Mr. Ras Fendihook divested himself of his outer wrappings and revealed a thickset man of medium height, rather flashily attired.

You have nothing ready which it would be proper for you to wear at such a brilliant reunion; for the de Tremazans are so rich that everything will be upon the most splendid and costly scale. Mademoiselle Bertha de Merrivale cannot be present upon such an occasion, unless she is attired in a manner that befits her rank and fortune. I, also, have no dress prepared."

When they again presented themselves they found the archduke with his court jester standing at his side, the buffoon being attired in a suit precisely similar to their own, which in the interval had been prepared by the court tailor.

Attired in another man's dress suit and a stiff white tie which kept sawing at his neck and trying to slip away from the collar, he was sitting at midnight in the club drawing-room, and was saying with enthusiasm to Ekaterina Ivanovna. "Ah, how little people know who have never loved!

It was not a pleasant sight that opened on the uninstructed view, for the lower end of the valley appeared to be filled by an army in position real and actual regiments attired in red coats, and of this there was no doubt firing Martini-Henry bullets which cut up the ground a hundred yards in front of the leading company.

Father Joseph arose, and, leaning against the wall like an Egyptian mummy, allowed nothing to appear upon his face but an expression of stolid contemplation. Twelve messengers entered successively, attired in various disguises; one appeared to be a Swiss soldier, another a sutler, a third a master-mason.

A fashionable carriage was standing at his office door when he reached it. "The Countess of Northdown waiting to see you, sir," said the clerk. Entering his private room he saw a lovely lady, fashionably attired, who greeted him with exquisite grace. Her face was very pale and her lips quivered as she spoke to him. "Good morning, Mr. Forster.

"We are off at daybreak," he said, standing before them, his hat in his hand. "I thought I would come over to say good-bye." His hungry gaze swept over the figure of the girl, shadowy and indistinct in the semi-darkness. To his amazement, he saw that she was attired in the frock she had worn on that unforgettable night at Striker's. She leaned forward and held out her hand to him.

"He'd better rake his hair," responded the latter youth jeeringly. "I'll bet there's lots of hayseed in it!" The subject of their derisive remarks, although standing but a scant distance away, apparently heard none of them. "Hi, West!" shouted Bartlett Cloud as a youth, attired in a finely fitting golf costume, and swinging a brassie, approached.