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As an inevitable result, some of the muscles atrophy, and even those that do not deteriorate speedily discover that they have no master, and they act when and how they please. The man who is continually giving orders to subordinates and having other men do things for him, soon finds that he is unable to accomplish things for himself; then, if he is thrown on his own resources, he is helpless.

INJURIES: Contusion; Sprain; Rupture Hernia of muscle Dislocation of tendons Wounds Avulsion of tendon. DISEASES OF MUSCLE AND OF TENDONS: Atrophy; "Muscular rheumatism" Fibrositis; Contracture; Myositis; Calcification and Ossification; Tumours. DISEASES OF TENDON SHEATHS: Teno-synovitis.

The tail is lost, as there is no further use for it. It undergoes a fatty degeneration, and disappears with the chorda dorsalis. The tailless body changes into an unshapely tube, and, by the atrophy of some parts and the modification of others, gradually assumes the appearance we have already described.

He observed that the brains of persons dying in old age were lighter than the average and gave visible evidence of atrophy, and he reasoned that such decay is a normal accompaniment of senility.

Partly on account of the lack of nutriment thus occasioned and partly on account of the distention caused by the contents of the sac, atrophy occurs in the distant portions of the sac's wall.

Moreover, I'm a creature of whims and inconsistencies and there are black nights in my temperament when John Barleycorn lightens the gloom; and there are other nights when he treacherously deepens it but I'm peculiarly balanced and subject to irresistible fits of moral atrophy. All of which has nothing at all to do with the soundness of my impersonal philosophy.

The typical glaucomatous field in the acute cases shows a defect most pronounced to the nasal side. The field in a simple glaucoma is apt to approach concentric limitation; namely, more like the field in simple atrophy. This is consistent with the fact that simple glaucoma in many cases possesses the characteristics of glaucoma plus atrophy of the optic nerve. Vitreous.

Often, following azoturia, a bilateral affection is to be observed. Treatment. Horses may be restrained in the standing position, and in the average instance, a twitch and hood are all the restraining appliances necessary. In cases where the disease is unilateral and atrophy is not of too long standing, recovery is possible in vigorous subjects.

The child was weak, the testes undescended, and it lived but eighteen days, dying of symptoms of atrophy. The parents were poor, of excellent character, and although, according to the evidence, this pregnancy lasted but twenty-two weeks and two days, there was absolutely no reason to suspect infidelity.

The apparent atrophy of the entire race is due to ancestor worship which binds it with chains of iron to its dead and to its past, and not until these bonds are severed can China expect to take her place among the progressive nations of the earth. In mid-November we left the White Water with a caravan of twenty-six mules and horses.