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'Oh! because I know you are incapable of craven fear, cried Clotilde, answering aloud the question within herself of why she so much admired, why she so fondly loved him. To feel his courage backing his high good sense was to repose in security, and her knowledge that an astute self- control was behind his courage assured her he was invincible.

This astute personage was somewhat under the middle size, but fairly proportioned, inclining rather to strength than symmetry, and abounding more in muscle than in flesh.

However, China's Bismarck, the astute Li-hung-Chang, has recently altered his tactics, and is now as anxious that Corea should enter into the community of nations as he was before, that it should stand outside; thus, when our admiral, at the beginning of the recent treaty, solicited the prime minister's aid it was readily given; for, argued he, what Corea, concedes to foreigners surely China has a right to demand.

In order to stimulate the fears of his countrymen, Cleomenes asserted, that he had discovered in the Athenian citadel certain oracular predictions, till then unknown, foreboding to the Spartans many dark and strange calamities from the hands of the Athenians . The astute people whom the king addressed were more moved by political interests than religious warnings.

"It is but Christian charity," replied D'Artagnan, "not to lead one's neighbors into temptation." "It is exactly for that reason," said Mazarin, "that I wish to start before them." D'Artagnan smiled he was just the man to understand the astute Italian. Mazarin saw the smile and profited by the moment.

There was no doubt at all that the man who had dynamited the dam was certain of his having evaded all followers, and indeed he would have done so with men less trained and astute. "Does any one know this country here?" demanded Rogers, suddenly halting his little band. "I do," declared one of the drill runners. "I worked over here on this side one time about two years ago. Why?"

This is by no means identical in design with the Naples picture, but appears much less studied, much more directly taken from the life. The astute Farnese Pope has here the same simiesque type, the same furtive distrustful look, as in the great unfinished group now to be described.

Not only does the more facile conduct of business permit industry and extra-industrial life to go on with less perturbation; but the resulting elimination of disturbances and complications calling for an exercise of astute discrimination in everyday affairs acts to make the pecuniary class itself superfluous.

"What else?" he asked, pausing with the steaming drink poised aloft. "If I'm not mistaken, Alwyn intends to marry Miss Wynn." "You lie!" the other suddenly yelled with an oath, overturning his tumbler and striding across the floor. "Do you suppose she'd look at that black " "Well, see here," said the astute Stillings, checking the details upon his fingers.

As for the other, lesser members of the congregation, she had an especial kind of smile, half of sweetness, half of deprecation, that she bestowed upon each one of them in turn; but she never made the slightest effort to separate them, one from another, in her mind, or to return any of their calls. To Catia's astute brain, the duty of a rector's lady consisted in helping her husband up, not on.