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I sometimes think I will go away; but to leave Ashcroft now would imply a doubt of Thornton's honor, and impute thoughts to him which perhaps have no existence but in my vanity. "October 3. Ah, why was I so foolish? Why did I not go when I saw the danger so clearly, instead of cheating myself into the belief that there was none?

You were a stingy fellow about that money, so I've took some of it. Good-bye." Sick at heart, Anderson resumed the search, further afield. He sent Ginnell along the line to make confidential inquiries. He telegraphed to persons known to him at Golden, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Ashcroft, all to no purpose. Twenty-four thirty-six hours passed and nothing had been heard of the fugitive.

And it was in it that James Anderson of Scotland first issued Jeames's Letters to Sawney. When the railway first went through the Fraser Canyon, passengers looking out of the windows anywhere from Yale to Ashcroft were amazed to see something like a Jacob's ladder up and down the mountains, appearing in places to hang almost in mid-air.

To do him justice he remitted all odd coin to his wife in Bruce county, and he wrote saying he was perfectly happy in his new life. He awoke one morning and found himself in the "Best" Hotel, Ashcroft, British Columbia, Dominion of Canada, and the first thing he saw was the sand-hill. He thought Ashcroft was the most desolate looking spot he had ever seen.

"Yes." "And nothing is said of any guardianship on the part of Mrs. Crawford?" "No; I think it would be better, Ashcroft, that you should be Carl's guardian. A man can study his interests and control him better." "I will accept the trust," said Ashcroft, "though I hope it may be many years before the necessity arises." Mrs. Crawford bit her lips, and darted an angry glance at the two friends.

For instance, in looking up the records connected with the forming of the Ashcroft Rinks he found that he had not been consulted in the matter. His name was missing from that interesting page of Ashcroft history.

Christopher's heart fell, and he misdoubted if something were not wrong; but he spake softly to one who stood by him, and said: "Is aught amiss, Will Ashcroft? this is not the wont here." Said the other: "Not in thy time; but for the last seven days it hath been the wont, and then off weapons and to supper peaceably."

He has heard from a person who has just come from Milford that Carl has been run over on the railroad and instantly killed!" Dr. Crawford turned pale, his features worked convulsively, and he put his hand to his heart, as he sank back in his chair, his face as pale as the dead. "Woman!" said Ashcroft, sternly, "I believe you have killed your husband!" "Oh, don't say that!

Ashcroft, can I have a few minutes' conversation with you?" asked Carl. "Certainly." They left the room together, followed by an uneasy and suspicious glance from Mrs. Crawford. Carl hurriedly communicated to his father's friend what he had learned about his stepmother. "Mr. Cook, Peter's father, is just outside," he said. "Shall I call him in?"

As a result of this "clean up," a private conference was held that night by the Vancouver and other clubs behind closed doors, at which it was moved, and seconded, and adopted, that Ashcroft was a dangerous element in their midst, and that drastic measures must be set in motion at once to arrest such phenomenal accomplishments or the bonspiel would be lost.