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He, however, removed to that side of the room, so as to place himself near him. Still the rustler made no other sign. Too many eyes were upon him. One of Capt. Asbury's most noticeable points was his ability to "catch on" to a situation like the present. He saw the look given by the visitor, and translated it as meaning that he wished to make some communication to the other.

By a system of rigid economy in the disposal of her time, Beulah not only attended to her school duties, her music, and her books, but found leisure, after writing her magazine articles, to spend some time each day with the family under whose roof she resided. Dr. Asbury's health was rather feeble, and of late his eyes had grown so dim as to prevent his reading or writing.

"I was wishing that I had such a mother." With some sudden impulse she threw her arms round Mrs. Asbury's neck, and hid her face on her shoulder. "Then let me be your mother, my dear child," said she, pressing the girl affectionately to her heart and kissing her pale cheek. "Are you troubled about anything, my dear?" continued Mrs.

Asbury writes rather philosophically: "I conclude God loveth the people of Baltimore, and he will keep them poor to make them pure;" but even Coke gave up hope at this new disaster, and it was twenty years before a second Methodist College was attempted. This was the second Methodist College in the world, and was organized in 1816, the year of Bishop Asbury's death.

Asbury's, however, was not the shadow. There was a great deal of substance about it substance made up of many people, many banners, and numerous bands. He did not have the best people. Indeed, among his cohorts there were a good many of the pronounced rag-tag and bobtail. But he had noise and numbers. In such cases, nothing more is needed.

The hands were removed, and Georgia Asbury's merry face greeted her. "I am glad to see you, Georgia. Where is Helen?" "Oh, gone to ride with one of her adorers; but I have brought somebody to see you who is worth the whole Asbury family. No less a personage than my famous cousin Reginald Lindsay, whom you have heard us speak of so often. Oh, how tempting those luscious berries are!

Beulah briefly explained the circumstances which had enabled her to assist them. The bulk of the money remained in Dr. Asbury's hands, and Claudia was to apply to him whenever she needed it. She and her mamma found a cheaper boarding house, and Claudia's duties began at once. Mrs.

Here come Georgia and her husband; you do not need me to read this evening, and I have work to do." She extricated herself from Mrs. Asbury's clasping arm and retired to her own room. The following day Claudia came to say that, as she knew not what else to do, she would gladly accept the position mentioned as teacher of drawing and painting. Mrs.

Turning away, she saw beside the fire a large, deep easy-chair, cushioned with purple morocco, and knew it was exactly like one she had often seen in Dr. Asbury's library. On the back was pinned a narrow slip of paper, and she read, in the doctor's scrawling, quaint writing: "Child, don't be too proud to use it." She was not.

"Nothing now, of course; but I didn't know " He did not see the gleam in Asbury's half shut eyes. He only marked his humility, and he went back swelling with the news. "Completely crushed all the run taken out of him," was his report. The black district believed this, too, and a sullen, smouldering anger took possession of them. Here was a good man ruined.