United States or Cyprus ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

An hour passed and a shout of triumph swept the Federal lines. They charged and drove the Confederate forces back a half mile from their first stand. There was a lull a strange silence brooded over the flaming woods and the guns opened from their new position the artillery's deep thunder and the ripping crash of muskets. Another hour and another wild shout of victory.

The German work of destruction is thorough in Verdun. Not a roof remains intact upon its walls; not a wall remains uncracked; not a soul lives in the town; now and then a sentinel may be met patrolling the wagon road that winds through the streets. This wagon road, by the way, is the object of the German artillery's attention. Upon this road they think the revitalment trains pass up to the front.

The rain had at last ceased; and the whole country was enveloped with those dense, clinging mists so characteristic of Artois, which at least had the merit of blinding the artillery's action. On November 16th orders came for the Battalion to make an attack on the Butte of Warlencourt in 48 hours.

It was only on the enemy's right wing that we got near enough to feel some of the effect of the artillery's gigantic efforts, which here forced us to some sharp but innocent little fights between the outposts. At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the British cavalry stormed our left, which was in command of General Muller. We soon repulsed them, however.

The major wanted to know what his son had been doing; and Deck gave him a brief account of his operations at the meadow. Not a man had been lost in the affair, which had been fought by the sharpshooters behind the trees near the point. The artillery's guns were still booming on the air in the distance.

There isn't but one thing I envy them and that's those beautiful batteries. I don't envy them their good food, and their good, whole clothes or anything but the guns." "H'm, I don't envy them anything our batteries are doing all right! We've got a lot of their guns, and to-night we'll have more. Artillery's done fine to-day." "So it has! so it has!" "Listen, they're opening again.

Of course I could give it to some fund, or several funds, but it's a lot of money and I should like it to be used to the best advantage. Now what do you say?" "I say," said I, "that you Croesuses make a half-pay Major of Artillery's head reel.

I have gone into this matter at some length, because it is the only instance where my musical ear was of value during my service. To return to my narrative, the losses which my battalion suffered that day seemed extraordinarily small when compared with the accuracy of the Russian artillery's aim and the number of missiles they fired.

"I'll tell yer what the artillery do blow up their own mates what's in the front line, there now!" "If we'd 'ad artillery in August, 1914, the war'd 'a' bin over in three weeks!" "Don't yer believe it! It's the infantry what 'as all the danger an' gits all the rotten jobs. The artillery's cushey compared wi' the infantry." "The artillery 'as a bloody sight 'eavier losses!" "Go on tell us another!

"Big fireworks!" said Clarissa Eileen as Hugo set her down in front of Marta, whose heart was in her eyes speaking its gratitude. The artillery's maceration of the human jam suddenly ceased; perhaps because the gunners had seen the Red Cross flag which a doctor had the presence of mind to wave.