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"You don't seem quite to have recovered your spirits yet, Mitford," said Massey to the long comrade. "Have a bit o' pork? There's nothin' like that for givin' heart to a man." "Ay, 'specially arter a bout o' sea-sickness," put in Slag, who was himself busily engaged with a mass of the proposed remedy. "It 'ud do yer wife good too. Try it, ma'am. You're not half yerself yit.

But I'll go and inquire for myself this wery evenin' w'en you're all settled an comf'rable, an' w'en I've got Mrs Jones to look arter you." That evening, accordingly, when Robin Slidder as I shall now call him was away making his inquiries, Dr McTougall called on Mrs Willis. She was very weak and low at the time.

"I don't know so much about that," ses Bill, thinking about the arguments some of them had 'ad with Ted about the bottle. "Was it arter they was married, cookie, that it 'appened? Are you sure?" "Certain sure. It was a week arter," ses the cook. "Very well, then," ses Bill, slapping 'is bad leg by mistake; "if they didn't marry, it couldn't 'appen, could it?"

"The Vineyard folks are generally quite conversable." "That he was, captain Daggett; and when the deacon had not been over to perplex him, and wake up the worldly spirit in him, he was as well inclined to preparation as any sick person I ever waited on. To be sure it was different arter the deacon had paid one of his visits."

"Arter picking off one or two of the varmints, that made Lone Wolf mad, and he sent out a couple of his warriors to wipe me out. He didn't think I knowed his game, but I did, and when they got round to where I was I just slid 'em under afore they knowed what the matter was.

"You're werry late, sir," says the guard; "only six weeks to-day to the end of the half." Tom assented. "We takes up fine loads this day six weeks, and Monday and Tuesday arter. Hopes we shall have the pleasure of carrying you back." Tom said he hoped they would; but he thought within himself that his fate would probably be the Pig and Whistle. "It pays uncommon cert'nly," continues the guard.

I slipped arter her down de starway an' listen, an' I know she gwine ter put de light in de winder. Den she go to her room again. "A long time pass, an' I hear no soun'. De house was so still dat I done got afeard, knowin' dere was mischief up.

But it was too late; and Claude came out, while the eldest-born of Anak stood sternly inquiring, "I say, what be you arter here, mak' so boold?" "Taking sun-pictures, my good sir, and you have spoilt one for me." "Sun-picturs, saith a?" in a very incredulous tone. "Daguerreotypes of the place, for Lord Scoutbush." "Oh! if it's his lordship's wish, of course!

The only case o' real gratitoode I ever heard of 'appened to a shipmate o' mine a young chap named Bob Evans. Coming home from Auckland in a barque called the Dragon Fly he fell overboard, and another chap named George Crofts, one o' the best swimmers I ever knew, went overboard arter 'im and saved his life.

"'Come away, I ses, 'come an' git to bed, that's the best place for you. "I took 'im by the sleeve, and he gets up quiet an' obedient and follers me like a little child. I got 'im straight into 'is bunk, an' arter a time he fell into a soft slumber, an' I thought the worst had passed, but I was mistaken.