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Even the historian of art, who grows indignant over the extinction of the historic sense in that age, over the vandalism with which an arrogant lack of understanding destroyed the monuments of the Middle Ages even he must, at the same time, admire the self consciousness which speaks in this vandalism, the defiant belief in the wisdom of their own age, which boldly remolded everything to suit their own taste because they were finally persuaded that this taste was the only true one.

Yet this should scarcely occasion surprise, for the attitude of the great among the Allies toward the smaller brethren who helped them along the road to victory has been at times blameworthy, often inexplicable, and on frequent occasions arrogant and tactless.

"`You need not hurry, my friend! said the captain, surprised at this order and smiling at the Haytian's impulsiveness, as he thought it. `There will be plenty of time for lowering the boat when we come in sight of land. "`I think differently, monsieur, rejoined the other, scowling and assuming an arrogant tone for the first time. `I say the time is Now!

Finally, in the very last years of his life, and in a time of dreadful national trial, his great voice became the true voice of America to lead his countrymen out of a quagmire of doubt and disloyalty. You may have heard it said that he was conceited, arrogant, head- strong. What did the men nearest him think?

"Because there are laws, I say and I repeat that I will marry her." "You respect nothing!" "Nothing that is unworthy of respect." "And my authority, my will, I am I nothing?" "For me your daughter is every thing the rest is nothing." Pepe Rey's composure was, so to say, the arrogant display of invincible and conscious strength.

Imogen insisted that her sisters should go into the house. They all resisted, Eliza the most vehemently. Imogen was arrogant and compelling. Finally she drove them all into the house except Eliza, who wavered upon the threshold of yielding. Imogen was obliged to speak very softly lest the approaching man hear, but Annie, in the window above her, heard every word.

Now she knew, and even while that arrogant member of an execrated murdering Committee was giving final instructions to the sergeant, petite maman said, in a calm, piping voice: "No need, citizen sergeant, to go and disturb all my friends and neighbours. I'll tell you where my husband is."

And the transparent innocence of his indignant eyes was underlined quaintly by the arrogant pair of moustaches which he proceeded to twist, and as if extend, horizontally. I might have smiled if I had not been busy with my own sensations, which were not those of Mr. Burns. I was already the man in command. My sensations could not be like those of any other man on board.

His humbleness touched and melted her his humbleness, in him who had been at first so arrogant and with the first exquisite rush of response she was taken out of herself. She gave herself to his embrace as one who welcomes it, and let him have his way all his way a way in which he quite forgot to be gentle at all.

He said he remembered the defendant Ray as a captain in the trained bands of the late Parliament. Ray was always proud and arrogant. He had supplanted the captain whose captaincy he afterwards held. "When was that?" "About seven years agone," rejoined the witness; adding in an undertone, and as though chuckling to himself, "he's paid dear enough for that sin' then." Ralph interrupted.