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The earliest public excitement the child remembers is divided between the rattling fire engines, "the time there was a fire in the next block," and all the tense interest of the patrol wagon "the time the drunkest lady in our street was arrested."

"Yes, Rodion Romanovitch, I am absolutely right. I hold a proof! And this proof I came in possession of the other day: God has sent it me!" "What is it?" "I shall not tell you, Rodion Romanovitch. But I have no right to procrastinate. I am going to have you arrested!

Lieutenant Servin approached: in a low voice he said: "Commandant! Someone wishes you to see him immediately." Servin handed his superior a card. On it the commandant read: Inspector Juve, Detective Force, Police Headquarters. "What does he want?" "He is the detective who arrested Vinson." "Well," exclaimed the exasperated Dumoulin, "he arrives at the right moment! Let him come in!"

At that instant the glint of her red-gold hair in the winter sunshine caught his eye. His unspoken question was answered. "Who's being arrested now?" asked a quiet voice behind Lloyd, and a man, leaning heavily on his cane, pushed his way through the crowd that had collected about the girls.

From the opened skies He arrested Saul in his journey to Damascus that he might be a chosen vessel to bear the truth to the Gentiles. From that day to this He has been calling and sending, not less really, a succession of men every one of whom might with Paul have called himself an ambassador of the King of Kings.

The commandant was shocked at this severity of retribution, so far exceeding anything which he had desired, and told the savages that they had done very wrong; that they should only have arrested the chief and brought him to the fort. The commandant would simply have reprimanded him and forbidden him to repeat the offence.

Had he advanced one step after being arrested by the voice of his comrade, his mangled body would, in a few seconds, have been lying beside that of his poor mule!

She was arrested for debt and bailed out by the Prince of Wales; after a few years in Holland, where she was again in prison, she died in destitution at Bologna. In the summer Handel went to Germany for the last time. Nothing is known of his movements there beyond the fact that on the journey out he met with a carriage accident between the Hague and Haarlem.

If you do not part with it, you will be arrested within twenty-four hours for the murder or complicity in the murder of Rudolph Von Behrling! That I swear! That I shall see to myself!" "In which case," Laverick remarked, "the document will fall into the hands of the English police." The shot told. Laverick could have laughed as he watched its effect upon his listener. Mr.

"Mother," said Gabriel, "I have something to say to thee." They were in the half-orange room, and she had looked in to give her good-night kiss to the lonely student, but his words arrested her at the door. She sat down and gazed lovingly at her handsome eldest-born, in whom her dead husband lived as in his prime.