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For if one sees the Theosophical Society aright, it is as one of the builders of that coming time, one of the builders of the civilisation that has not yet really dawned on earth, the civilisation of the Sixth Root Race, with the experiments that will go before it in the Sixth and Seventh sub-races of the Fifth.

On the second day after Christmas, as they sat talking idly in the dusking twilight, the door of the drawing-room was thrown open, and a visitor announced. The name answered with such startling suddenness to the thought with which Marcella had been occupied that, for an instant, she could not believe that she had heard aright. Yet it was undoubtedly Mr. Warricombe who presented himself.

I feel that he has power to read the future, and has read aright." "Be it so; he has spoken, but not plainly. He has promised me what I have long been prepared for what I vowed to Heaven to suffer. Already have I suffered much, and am prepared to suffer more. But, Amine, you are not bound by oath to Heaven, you have made no compact. He advised you to go home. He talked of a cruel death.

The victory was hers, though scarcely by the means she had expected. "Yes, Mrs. Carey, there is one." He leered at her a little. "And that?" "Yourself." He spoke distinctly and resolutely, for he was a man who faltered at nothing when his mind was made up, but she could see him tremble. His speech was so astounding that she could scarcely believe that she heard him aright.

"'To the day!" he said, with a burst of sudden laughter. "My wits are in the moon to-night, la reine. 'To the day, of course 'To the day!" And even before she replied to him, he knew that he had guessed aright. "Bravo!" she said, with a little hiccough for the absinthe, of which she had imbibed so freely to-night, was beginning to take hold of her.

She is with her; she will hear of my illness, and as certain as life is life, and death death, she will be here soon." In this he calculated aright, and he felt that he did so. Mrs. Mainwaring, on the evening of their visit to the city, considered it her duty to disclose, fully and candidly, to Lucy, the state of her father's health, that is, as it appeared to her on their interview.

An instinct, the wee voice of God in the soul, tells us to withhold our judgment even when the intelligence fails to weigh the motives aright. To contemn this voice is to sin and be guilty of rash judgment. In the language of ordinary folks, not always precise and exact in their terms, an opinion is frequently a judgment, to think this or that of another is often to judge him accordingly.

What did you talk about? But, pshaw, I know well enough without asking she told you how greatly she admired the romance of the West, and begged you to call upon her with a recital of your own exploits. Have I not guessed aright?" "Partially, at least; some such expressions were used." "Of course, they always are.

If Hans had understood the medicine-man aright, she was, or had been, in the hut, where it was my earnest hope that she still remained, since otherwise the hunt must be continued. This at any rate was easy to discover.

If we are to learn anything aright and thoroughly, we must learn it as believers in Him in whom `we live, and move, and have our being, who has given us all our faculties, and placed us in the midst of that universe all of whose laws are of his own imposing and maintaining.