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"A pretty piece of rusticity domestic Arcadia on a small scale," said John; "I should like to invite myself to tea with them. Who can they be?" "Probably visitors. Resident country-folks like their meals best under a decent roof-tree. I should not wonder if this were not one of Mr. March's vagaries." "Don't say vagaries he is an old man." "Don't be reproachful I shall say nought against him.

It was her secret guidance which led him across the seas and through the dangers lurking among the hundreds of islands of the Archipelagos straight to the land of Lacedæmon. This is the central of the three peninsulas in which the Peloponnesus ends, and might be called the middle finger of that large hand of which Arcadia is the palm.

Hooker's prose is as carefully wrought as Lyly's and far more rhythmical. Both were experimenting with English prose in different fields, serving to teach succeeding writers what to imitate and to avoid. Unlike Euphues and the Arcadia, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity is more valuable for its thought than for its form of expression.

All wove garlands, then made for the shade of the trees and shared a low basket of golden apples. One had a lute and another sang a love ditty with ethereal passion. They were in Arcadia, silken shepherdesses, slim princes in disguise, and they breathed the sweetness, the innocent yet lofty grace which was the country's natal air.

We have seen that Lyly's Euphues and Sidney's Arcadia contain the germs of romance. Greene's novel Pandosto suggested the plot of The Winter's Tale, and Lodge's Rosalind was the immediate source of the plot of As You Like It. Although Greene died in want at the age of thirty-two, he was the most prolific of the Elizabethan novelists.

Scrymgeour deserted his fine rooms in Bayswater for the inn some months after the Arcadia Mixture had reconstructed him, but his chambers were the best on our stair, and with the help of a workman from the Japanese Village he converted them into an Oriental dream.

If its fallen fortunes are indicative of what yours shall be, if Arcadia blooms only in its gorgeous bosom, and will turn into an Arabia Petræa at the first touch of your spade, better for you a pitcher of roughest Delft on board of deal than all this pomp and circumstance of lies. Reports of societies are not generally "as interesting as a novel."

"Is there any Arcadia like home?" "Home!" Her face expressed the utmost loathing, fear, and scorn. I remembered hearing that the 'Squire since his return from abroad had grown just like his father; was drunk every day and all day long. "Is your husband altered, Ursula? He must be quite a young man still. Oh, what it is to be young!" "John looks much older, people say; but I don't see it."

Go to thy home; glad the eyes of thy mother; enjoy the honours thou wilt find awaiting thee amongst thy coevals. Thou wilt learn later whether thou return to Byzantium, or whether a better field for thy valour may not be found in the nearer war with which Arcadia threatens us." As soon as Lysander left the chamber, Agesilaus spoke: "Ye will pardon me, Ephors, if I bade my son speak thus boldly.

But when he heard a report of the heroes' gathering and had readied Lyrceian Argos from Arcadia by the road along which he carried the boar alive that fed in the thickets of Lampeia, near the vast Erymanthian swamp, the boar bound with chains he put down from his huge shoulders at the entrance to the market-place of Mycenae; and himself of his own will set out against the purpose of Eurystheus; and with him went Hylas, a brave comrade, in the flower of youth, to bear his arrows and to guard his bow.