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And then she understood that the characters signified: Maireba au they would meet, for he would call upon her. Arare nai then they would not be separated. Korobi au they would repose together. And the meaning of the rest was thus: "This letter should be opened within the sleeve, so that others may know nothing of it. Keep the secret in your own bosom.

Nam epulae et, quanquam incompti, largi tamen apparatus pro stipendio cedunt: materia munificentiae per bella et raptus. Nec arare terram, aut expectare annum, tam facile persuaseris, quam vocare hostes et vulnera mereri. Pigrum quinimmo et iners videtur, sudore acquirere, quod possis sanguine parare.

Illum illam. Angl. this that, cf. hinc hinc, A. 25. Bellatorem equum. Cf. Virg. Incompti apparatus. Entertainments, though inelegant yet liberal. Apparatus is used in the same way, Suet. Vitel. 10 and 13. Cedunt== iis dantur. Guen. Nec arare, etc.

"This letter, if I remember rightly, I picked up in some town in Hitachi, and I shall be very glad if you will accept it, either to use it for a model if it be written beautifully, or to laugh at if it prove to have been written awkwardly." Then the chief among the maids, receiving the letter, tried to read the writing upon the envelope: "Tsuki ni hoshi ame ni arare ga kori kana,"

"Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus." By this course a man shall never improve himself, nor arrive at any perfection in anything. He must, therefore, make it his business always to put the architect, the painter, the statuary, every mechanic artisan, upon discourse of their own capacities.

In what this art consisted in his day, he tells us in short, crackling speech; "Primum, bene arare; secundum, arare; tertium, stercorare." For the rest, he says, choose good seed, sow thickly, and pull all the weeds. Nothing more would be needed to grow as good a crop upon the checkered plateau under my window as ever fattened among the Sabine Hills.