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He found a mark at length worthy of his attention. On crossing the plain to avoid a large bend in the channel, they came upon a glade or opening of considerable size, and in the middle of this glade a huge bird appeared standing erect. "An ostrich!" exclaimed Hendrik. "No," replied Swartboy; "um ar da pauw." "Yes," said Von Bloom, confirming Swartboy's statement, "it is the pauw."

"It's a good pile o' money, is a hundred an' fifty dollars," drawled he; "a good biggish pile, I reckon. I don't know much about such fixins meself, but it's full valley for that ar watch an' chain, I shed say." "Nonsense!" cried several: "two hundred dollars it's worth it all. See the jewels!" Chorley cut short the discussion.

Norf, reckon; well you jes be gwine back Norf de fus boat, an dat's de bery bes' advice dis yere nigger can guv." "But what do you know about Dr. Killmany." "I knows dis yere, masser: he mos'ly sends dem ar' as ar' doctored by him to dar homes in a box!" Mr. Walker shuddered. "I don't want your advice," he said directly; "I only want to know where Dr. Killmany lives."

"Young man," said Bill gravely. "Old man." "Ef you're looking for a safe investment ez will pay ye better than forty-rod whiskey at two bits a glass, jist you hang onter that ar rifle. It may make your fortin yet, or save ye from a drunkard's grave." With this ungracious pleasantry he hurried his dilatory passengers back into the coach, cracked his whip, and was again upon the road.

The Canoes did not arrive as I expected, owing to the hard wind which blew a head in maney places. we ar much at a loss for wood to make ax hilthes,13 hath been made & broken in this piece of a day by the four Choppers, no other wood but Cotton Box elder Choke Cherry and red arrow wood. we Substitute the Cherry in place of Hickory for ax hilthes ram rods, &c. &c.

By signs they intimated that our course now lay to the north; in fact, Daniel had steered very much too ar south, and we had struck the Saskatchewan river a long, distance below the intended place of crossing. Away we went again to the north, soon losing sight of the party; but as I kept the river on my left far below in the valley I knew they could not cross without my being aware of it.

'Cussed be Canaan' don't seem to go down with this 'un, does it?" Haley gave an uneasy growl. "And that ar an't the worst on 't," said John; "mabbee it won't go down with the Lord, neither, when ye come to settle with Him, one o' these days, as all on us must, I reckon." Haley walked reflectively to the other end of the boat.

"Isn't that cake in the skillet almost done?" "Mose done, Mas'r George," said Aunt Chloe, lifting the lid and peeping in, "browning beautiful a real lovely brown. Ah! let me alone for dat. Missis let Sally try to make some cake, t' other day, jes to larn her, she said. 'O, go way, Missis, said I; 'it really hurts my feelin's, now, to see good vittles spilt dat ar way!

"'Fraid he's done on bofe sides, missy; drunk cl'ar t'rough," said Neb. The Colonel grasped his hat. "We'll try, we'll try," he said. "Oh, whisky, whisky! What a pity anyone can get too much of so good a thing!" "I neber could, suh," Neb replied, "but dat 'ar jockey " They hurried out together. Madge was in intense distress. She knew what this might mean.

Mas'r George, however, joined the offender in the laugh, and declared decidedly that Mose was a "buster." So the maternal admonition seemed rather to fail of effect. "Well, ole man," said Aunt Chloe, "you'll have to tote in them ar bar'ls." "Mother's bar'ls is like dat ar widder's, Mas'r George was reading 'bout, in de good book, dey never fails," said Mose, aside to Peter.