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In the mind of Tabs a picture formed; it was of children dancing along a golden pavement on that first spring morning of his disillusion. The tune which the barrel-organ played was the same. His brain sang words to the music: "Après la guerre There'll be a good time everywhere." And it was no longer an optimism it was fulfilled promise.

Après avoir traversé la montagne, on trouve une plaine de six milles de long sur deux de large; puis une forêt qui peut bien en avoir seize de longueur; puis une autre grande plaine totalement close de montagnes, bien peuplée de Bulgares, et l'on a une rivière

Arculfe, aprés avoir visité la Terre Sainte, sétoit embarqué pour Alexandrie. D'Alexandrie, il avoit passé

Since my success at the Salon, I have been able to sell my things. I am only beginning to find out now what a success that picture was. Je t'assure, je fais l'école."... "Tu crois ça ... on fait l'école après vingt ans de travail." "Mon ami, je t'assure, j'ai un public qui me suit."

"But to wait my sister's death, at least, is a drawback?" "Offer me ten thousand pounds, Madam Tusher, and then we will see!" cries Maria. "I have not so much money in the world, Maria," said the old lady. "Then, madam, let me make what I can for myself!" says Maria. "Ah, if he heard you?" "Apres? I have his word. I know he will keep it.

Après avoir reçu la réponse des bachas, l'ambassadeur revint chez lui; mais

Stay, I vill tell to you all I knows. You mus' know, ven I run avay from you, I do so 'cause I know dat canoe ver' probabilie git opturned, so I come to river bank before every von. Dere is von big tree dere, so op I go like von skvirrel. You know vat come to pass apres dat. You smash de head of de Injun, aussi you smash de paddil. Den you escape, an' de Injuns howl vid passion!

The ponds of the savannas are frequented by six or eight varieties of wild ducks, and the wild goose; woodcock and plover abound in the marshy neighborhoods; and the white crane, the swan, different kinds of herons, and an ibis are found near the sea. He rushed into the town, shouting, "Z'Anglais, yo après veni, yo en pile dans savanne l'Hôpital!"

This may mean "the laity," or the "upasakas;" but it is better to take the characters in their common Chinese acceptation, as meaning "commoners," "men who have no rank." I do not wonder that Remusat should give for this "et s'en retournent apres."

As they flashed down the street the music followed them. She twisted to look back and he caught her eyes. "Tabs, do you know what it's playing?" "Can't say I do." "It's out of the Elsie Janis revue at The Palace. I think it was written especially for this moment." She listened till the air reached the refrain and then sang the words, "Après la guerre, there'll be a good time everywhere."