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"How did you happen to have such a shape?" asked the Scarecrow Bear, sitting on his haunches and regarding Tommy Kwikstep with a serious look. "Is the shape natural?" "No; it was wished on me," replied Tommy, with a sigh. "I used to be very active and loved to run errands for anyone who needed my services. That was how I got my name of Tommy Kwikstep.

At least very hard to understand. But let's talk about something else. When do you go over to the bank, to stand and deliver your good cash, bonds and securities for their stock?" "This very afternoon, may it please the court. And, by the same token, I should be getting home now. Hope we won't meet anyone, or they might ask, as Sid did, if I'd been clamming. I can't seem to keep out of the mud."

"I couldn't write a book," said Dot, with surprise inwardly wondering what anyone could find to make a book of, out of such a small, ugly creature. "You're quite sure?" asked the Platypus, doubtfully, and evidently more than half inclined to dive into the pool. "Quite," said Dot.

Correy would not talk; nor would the Curator; and I dared not press either of them beyond a certain point, for equally with yourself, I felt it most undesirable to allow anyone to suspect the nature of my theory or whom it especially involved. "The Curator had nothing to hide on this or any other point connected with the tragedy. But it was different with Correy.

"Tell me, Arnold, do people really believe me guilty?" I knew by "people" he meant Polly Mathers; but I had not had an opportunity to speak with her alone since the day of the tragedy. "I haven't talked to anyone but the sheriff," I returned.

And, suddenly starting, he asked: "What's the time?" "Seven-thirty, my Lord King", answered Sir Martin Phipps. "Ah, I remember: I was stabbed. Who did it?" "It can only be assumed from the evidence of a guardsman that it was a servant in the Palace, called Harris". "Aye, I think I saw his face. Does anyone know of the matter?" "Very few persons so far....The police are after Harris".

Clara Morris has told the story of her own life better than anyone else could tell it, and has shown in doing it the very qualities which made most for her success a wide sympathy, an impetuous heart, and an invincible optimism.

He thinks there are probably several in the temple, deeper than anyone has yet dug." Carew did not look very interested. His eyes had still the retrospective, pained expression that had come into them instantly, when he grasped the import of Stanley's sad tidings. "Where did he come from?" he asked, half turning away. "I don't know. He was only here for a few hours.

"My partner, Professor Renmark, is also on a foraging expedition at your neighbors', the Bartletts. He is doubtless back in camp long ago, and will be expecting me." "No fear of that. Mrs. Bartlett would never let anyone go when there is a meal on the way." "I am afraid I shall be giving extra trouble by staying.

"There's no greater violinist in the world, Hock," replied Archie with enthusiasm. His cheeks were scarlet, his eyes sparkling, his thin hands trembling with excitement. "Well, I'm not keen on hearing anyone fiddle any better than you do," Hock answered soberly.