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"Contemplatin' that ugly anymal below air enough to make me. It a'most druv me out o' my mind to think o' his black ungratefulness. Now, seein' hisself through the sight of a rifle 'ithin good shootin' distance, shurely ye don't intend we shud let him go!" "Certainly not. That would be ruin to ourselves. We must either kill or capture him.

D'ye see the anymal he's on? It's the same we war obleeged to abandon on takin' to the rocks." "By heavens! my horse!" "Yurs, to a sartinty." "And his rider! The man I fought with at Chihuahua, the ruffian Uraga!" On recognising his antagonist in the duel, the Kentuckian gives out a groan. The Texan, too. For on both the truth flashes in all its fulness all its terrible reality.

I kinder guess as heow I kin cut the thing. It 'peers to be all o' one piece, an' 'll peel off yeer body like a rope o' rushes. Ef I cut it, theer'll be a chance for ye. Theer's only one o' the verming ahint the mound. Yeer hoss air theer; make for the anymal mount 'im, an' put off like a streak o' greased lightnin'! Neow!"

"Jess t'other way, ye fool! We're a going out o' the buffuler country, an' into perts where theer ain't a anymal bigger than a rat. On t'other side o' the mountings, theer ain't no beests o' any kind neery one; an' its jess theer we'll want that eer bag o' meel. Ef we don't take it along, we'll sterve for certing." "Be me sowl! I'd ruther carry the male on my showlders.

The anymal, after being drogued, may a' sweemed many a mile from the place where she war first harpooned. I've knowed 'em to go a score o' knots afore they pulled up; an' this bein' a' old bull, one o' the biggest spermacetys I ever see, she must a sweemed to the full o' that distance afore givin' in. If that's been so, thear ain't much chance o' eyther her or we bein' overhauled by the whaler."

I thought I war; but I war wrong, as you be now, Snowy. You see the flag-spear ain't straight into the back o' the anymal. It's to one side, though it now stand nearly on top; because the body o' the whale be canted over a bit. A first-rate `heads-man' o' a whale-boat could easily a' throwed it that way from the bottom o' his boat, and that's the way it ha' been done."

"A sword-fish!" cried Ben. The rostrum of one of these singular creatures was the sharp bone protruding above the plank. "You're right, Snowy, it be a sword-fish, and nothing else." "Only de snout o' one," jocularly rejoined the negro. "De karkiss ob de anymal an't dar any more. Dat was de black body I seed under de raff; but he an't dar now.