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"Jess t'other way, ye fool! We're a going out o' the buffuler country, an' into perts where theer ain't a anymal bigger than a rat. On t'other side o' the mountings, theer ain't no beests o' any kind neery one; an' its jess theer we'll want that eer bag o' meel. Ef we don't take it along, we'll sterve for certing." "Be me sowl! I'd ruther carry the male on my showlders.

"There's ae thing, mither," he said, entering the kitchen, covered with mud, a rabbit in one hand and a large salmon in the other, "we're no like to sterve, wi' sawmon i' the hedges, an' mappies i' the trees!" His master questioned him with no little incredulity. It was easy to believe in salmon anywhere, but rabbits in trees!

Werre at his bigynnyng hath so greet an entryng and so large, that every wight may entre whan hym liketh and lightly fynde werre; but certes, what ende that shal ther-of bifalle it is nat light to knowe; for soothly, whan that werre is ones bigonne ther is ful many a child unborn of his mooder that shal sterve yong by cause of that ilke werre, or elles lyve in sarwe, and dye in wrecchednesse; and therefore, er that any werre bigynne, men moste have greet conseil and greet deliberacioun."

For my part, I can easily enough imagine a man risking his life; but devoting it! that 's another thing altogether." "There maun be 'at wad du a' 't cud be dune, my lord." "What, for instance, would you do for Lady Florimel, now? You say you would die for her: what does dying mean on a fisherman's tongue?" "It means a' thing, my lord short o' ill. I wad sterve for her, but I wadna steal.

But dinna gie them mair nor a shillin' or twa at ance jist to haud them in life. They deserve nae mair. But they maunna sterve. And jist ye tell them, laddie, at gin they spen' ae saxpence o' 't upo' whusky, they s' get nae mair. 'Ay, ay, grannie, responded Robert, with a glimmer of gladness in his heart.

'I get a penny each for them, an' a penny ower. 'For making these great things? 'Oh, I dinna mak' them a'. The seams are run up wi' the machine afore I get them. I pit in the sleeves, the neckbands, an' mak' the buttonholes. There's mair wark at them than ye wad think. 'Is the money not very little? 'Maybe; but I'm gled to get it. I'm no' able for the mill, an' I canna sterve.

It's what wad I no' dae, cried Liz. 'I'm no' the kind to sterve. 'Ye wasna very weel aff when we got ye, Teen could not refrain from saying. 'Oh, ye needna cast up what ye did. I never asked you, onyway. Ye ken you and Wat hauled me awa' wi' you against my wull, said Liz rather angrily, being in a mood to cavil at trifles.

At the one it is not possible to gett a place; at the other voyde seates are plentie.... Yt is a wofull sight to see two hundred proude players jett in their silks where five hundred pore people sterve in the streets. Already in the reign of Henry VIII. a 'Master of the Revels' was required, whose task it was to control the public representations and amusements.

"This is awfu'!" said Black at last with a deep sigh. "If there was ony chance o' makin' a dash an' fechtin' to the end, I wad tak' comfort; but to be left here to sterve an' rot, nicht an' day, wi' naethin' to do an' maist naethin' to think on it's it's awfu'!"

'Tis enough to sterve anybody." When he sees a bad fisherman at work, he nods his head woefully and exclaims, "He might as well throw his 'at in!" Then again, if he is anxious that you should catch a particular trout, which cannot be persuaded to rise, he always says, "Terrify him, sir; keep on terrifying of him."