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"'Tis about noon, lad," replied Anton; "quite the hottest time of the day; and I have not seen no Joe, nor no Cecile, though I wants to see 'em; I ha' been a-looking fur 'em ever since they turned tail in that shabby way in Paris. I has a little debt to settle wid 'em two, and I'd like to see 'em again." "Oh! do you owe them money, and will you pay it?

He seemed to have the faculty of hearing when asleep, and generally appeared in my room before he had succeeded in getting his eyes completely open. Anton had never found time, during his long life, to form many opinions, but he had somehow imbibed or inhaled a few convictions, all of a decidedly conservative kind, and one of these was that feldshers were useless and dangerous members of society.

At the dinner, which began at seven o'clock on the night of December 3d, were the directors and one or two of the largest stockholders of the enterprise; together with all the professors, and some dozen of Russia's celebrated musicians and writers. The meal over, Anton Rubinstein, originator of the plan, and Zaremba, his able co-adjutor, made brief speeches.

Bartholde died fighting on his own threshold; his wife, the beautiful Mathilde, perished, perhaps, in the flames. At all events, a wild figure was seen at an upper window just before the great leaden roof of the château curled and fell. Fire and sword spread in a widening circle round that district; the house of Anton Dormeur was sacked.

Who could believe that she would throw herself at once into a Jew's arms such a fellow as Anton Trendellsohn, too, old enough to be her father, and she the bonniest girl in all Prague?" "Handsome is that handsome does, Souchey." "I say she's the sweetest girl in all Prague; and more's the pity she should have taken such a fancy as this." "She mustn't marry him, of course, Souchey."

And Joe nodded, inwardly resolving that one night in such quarters should be all they should spend. For he felt that though of course Anton knew nothing about the existence of the purse, yet, that had it been known, it would not be long in Cecile's possession were she to remain there.

"Guess there's one man who's got Jake's measure, an' that's Black Anton." The butcher added a punctuating laugh, while Slum nodded. "And who's Black Anton?" asked Tresler of the saloon-keeper. "Anton? Wal, I guess he's Marbolt's private hoss keeper. He's a half-breed. French-Canadian; an' tough. Say, he's jest as quiet an' easy you wouldn't know he was around.

The head and hands of this portrait were things truly marvellous, to say nothing of the beautiful execution of the velvets, the linings, the satins, and all the other parts of the picture; and since Sebastiano was indeed superior to all other men in the perfect delicacy and excellence of his portrait-painting, all Florence was amazed at this portrait of Anton Francesco.

I have known them for four-and-twenty." "Nay; that cannot be." "But I have. That is my age, and I was born, so to say, in their arms. Ruth Trendellsohn was ten years older than I only ten." "And Anton?" "Anton was a year older than his sister; but you know Anton's age. Has he never told you his age?" "I never asked him; but I know it. There are things one knows as a matter of course.

Anton took the children up to the top of one of the tallest of the houses. Here were two fair-sized rooms occupied by an old man and woman. The man was ill and nearly blind, the woman was also too aged and infirm to work.