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And such a pool we afterwards found, which proved to be very much better than our most sanguine hopes anticipated. It was situated not more than ten minutes' walk from our camp, and was in the form of a small deep bay or basin, the entrance to which, besides being narrow, was so shallow that no fish so large as a shark could get in, at least not unless he should be a remarkably thin one.

Vane Thesel," she said, without wonder or surprise or displeasure, or any expression Lane anticipated. Her strange detachment stirred a hideous thought could Thesel have been.... But Lane killed the culmination of that thought. Not, however, before dark, fiery jealousy touched him with fangs new to his endurance. To drive it away, Lane launched into more narrative of the war.

An opposition was, indeed, attempted to a measure so manifestly illegal, by the leaders of the other party; but they had become too much disarmed by the acts of their own partisans to produce any sensible effect; and their voices were soon drowned by the clamors of the tories, who now admitted the boys by acclamation. This, as will be anticipated, decided the contest.

Ruptures are produced less by letting children cry than by the means taken to stop them, and my evidence for this is the fact that the most neglected children are less liable to them than others. I am very far from wishing that they should be neglected; on the contrary, it is of the utmost importance that their wants should be anticipated, so that they need not proclaim their wants by crying.

"And you wanted to raise some money on them?" "Yes, that is what I wish." "Then you'll be pleased to know that Mr. Sandford has anticipated you. I loaned him eight thousand dollars upon them this morning." "Loaned him eight thousand dollars?" "Certainly. Is it extraordinary that your agent has done what you desired?"

Schrotter seldom had any spare time during the day; but Wilhelm always took tea with him in the evenings. Did Bhani know anything of his story? Had her womanly instinct guessed that his careworn, melancholy expression betrayed an unhappy love story a subject so sympathetic to women? Anyhow she anticipated every means of serving him, and her glance betrayed an almost shamefaced sympathy.

"Thou wilt think differently, anon. Thou art young, Gelsomina, and hast passed thy time in privacy?" "True, lady. It is seldom I go further than my mother's room, or the cell of some suffering prisoner." Violetta looked towards her governess, with an expression which seemed to say, that she anticipated her appeal would be made in vain, to one so little exposed to the feelings of the world.

If it follows a period of misfortune and disturbance, during which morality and reason have been equally perverted, when passions have been indulged without curb, when private interests have been paraded without shame, then oppression falls within the number of dangers which are only to be anticipated, while license is that which must be directly opposed.

I drove with my luggage to the Immacolatella, and a boatman put me aboard the steamer. Luggage, I say advisedly; it is a rather heavy portmanteau, and I know it will be a nuisance. But the length of my wanderings is so uncertain, its conditions are so vaguely anticipated. I must have books if only for rainy days; I must have clothing against a change of season.

Nor was he in the habit of submitting passively to an insult. When, therefore, he recognized Micky as his assailant, he instantly turned and gave chase. Micky anticipated pursuit, and ran at his utmost speed.