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Petersburg, 1780, part ii. p. 69. He was followed by Rudolphi, in his 'Beytrage zur Anthropologie, 1812. An argument on the same side may likewise be drawn from the uniform appearance in various parts of the world of gipsies and Jews, though the uniformity of the latter has been somewhat exaggerated. Livingstone's 'Travels and Researches in S. Africa, 1857, pp. 338, 339.

*See his article in Anthropologie, Vol. XX. , p. 257. As Professor Sollas mainly relies on Boule, it is important to see that there is a very great difference between the two. We must therefore hesitate to accept the statement that primitive man had as large a brain, if not a larger brain, than a modern race.

For this and the three following chapters J. B. Tylor, Anthropology, Third Edition, 1891. J. B. Tylor, Primitive Culture, Fourth Edition, 1903. Frazer, The Golden Bough, Third Edition, 1900. A new edition is now appearing in parts. A. Lang, Myth, Ritual, and Religion, new edition, 1899. Th. Achelis, in De la Saussaye. Waitz und Gerland, Anthropologie der Naturvölker, 1859-72.

Burton's statement is quoted by Schaaffhausen, 'Archiv. fur Anthropologie, 1866, s. 163. On the Banyai, Livingstone, 'Travels, p. 64. On the Kaffirs, the Rev. Galton, in speaking to me about the natives of S. Africa, remarked that their ideas of beauty seem very different from ours; for in one tribe two slim, slight, and pretty girls were not admired by the natives.

Gill, quoted in Gerland and Waitz's Anthropologie, v. 641. See also pp. 636-640, where many facts of parental and filial love are quoted. Primitive Folk, London, 1891. Gerland, loc. cit. v. 636. Erskine, quoted in Gerland and Waitz's Anthropologie, v. 640. W.T. Pritchard, Polynesian Reminiscences, London, 1866, p. 363.

This latter is properly that to which the value even of the former is reduced, and when a man is prudent in the former sense, but not in the latter, we might better say of him that he is clever and cunning, but, on the whole, imprudent. Compare on the difference between klug and gescheu here alluded to, Anthropologie, 45, ed.

Letourneau, in Bulletin de la Soc. d'Anthropologie, 1888, vol. xi. p. 476. Walter, Das alte Wallis, p. 323; Dm. Bakradze and N. Khoudadoff in Russian Zapiski of the Caucasian Geogr. Society, xiv. Part I. Bancroft's Native Races; Waitz, Anthropologie, iii. 423; Montrozier, in Bull. Soc. d'Anthropologie, 1870; Post's Studien, etc.

Quoted by Waitz, ii. 334. Lichtenstein's Reisen im sudlichen Afrika, ii. Pp. 92, 97. Berlin, 1811. Waitz, Anthropologie der Naturvolker, ii. pp. 335 seq. See also Fritsch's Die Eingeboren Afrika's, Breslau, 1872, pp. 386 seq.; and Drei Jahre in Sud Afrika. Also W. Bleck, A Brief Account of Bushmen Folklore, Capetown, 1875. Elisee Reclus, Geographie Universelle, xiii. 475.

As to the burning discs at the spring festivals, see above, pp. 116 sq., 119, 143. Op. cit. ii. 260 sq., iii. 936, 956, iv. 2. p. 360. Op. cit. ii. 260. Op. cit. iv. i. p. 242. W. von Schulenberg, in Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Jahrgang 1897, pp. 494 sq.

In addition you must know your Westermarck on Human Marriage, and your Waitz Anthropologie, and your Topinard not that you need expect to go measuring people's skulls and chests as this last named authority expects you to do, for no self-respecting person black or white likes that sort of thing from the hands of an utter stranger, and if you attempt it you'll get yourself disliked in West Africa.