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Among men, in spite of the occasional existence of the petty professional jealousies and antagonism, we find, viewing society as a whole, that common interests, and above all common labours, are the most potent means of bringing them into close and friendly relations; and, in fact, they seem generally essential for the formation of the closest and most permanent human friendships.

People say that Ireland is fighting England fighting the English people, but that is not the fact. The antagonism is between the Irish people and the English landlord. So the fight in America is the people against the special privileges enjoyed by a few. It's because these few generally live in towns that we seem to be fighting the towns.

Though she was not prepared to pose as Vane's advocate, she was conscious of a growing antagonism toward her companion. "It's difficult to explain, and I don't know that the subject's worth discussing," answered Jessy. "However, what I think I meant was this Mr. Vane's of a type that's not uncommon in the West, and it's a type one finds interesting.

The antagonism continued for many years, partial insurrections taking place when the populace thought that the immigrants from Portugal were favoured by the governors sent from the capital of the empire. At length, in 1835, a serious revolt took place which in a short time involved the entire province.

Then came that period of mad strife, of blind antagonism, in which we hurt each other by rough contact. Finally, we were driven far asunder, and, instead of revolving together around a common centre, each has moved in a separate orbit.

It may be accepted as a truism that success invariably excites envy, therefore, it is but reasonable that the astounding results that have attended this method of treatment should have aroused a certain amount of antagonism.

True Knowledge, if ever we could attain to it, would be a unique kind of activity, in which there would be no distinction, or at least no antagonism, between thinking on the one hand and the thing thought on the other." "I don't know," I said, "that I quite understand. Have we in fact any knowledge of that kind, that might serve as a kind of type of what you mean?"

Relation between politics and revolutions. Conduct of revolutions. Casualties. Number of revolutions. Effect of revolutions. The characteristic features of Dominican politics are the violence of political antagonism and the absence of differences of principle between the political parties.

But if not, if we have not found, or rather followed, the one God-given way of harmonising these two sets of experiences life in the transient, and longings for the eternal then their antagonism darkens our thoughts of a wise and loving Providence, and we have lost the key to the confused riddle which the world then presents.

But yet such things may call for as much heroism as braving a rack, and the spirit that shoots out the tongue may be as bad as the spirit that yelled, 'Christianos ad leones. The great reason why professing Christians now know so little about persecution is because there is so little real antagonism.