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'You go wif us, signorina? His expression was blended of surprise and disapproval, but in spite of himself his tone was triumphant. 'You say to me yesterday you no want to climb any more mountain. 'I have changed my mind. 'But zis mountain to-day too long, too high. You get tired, signorina. Perhaps anozzer day we take li'l' baby mountain, zen you can go. 'I am going to-day.

"I should be such anozzer in his place. Proud, silent, unobtrusive, who gives dignity to what otherwise would be a false position." "I came very near being his wife once," said Florence, impelled, she hardly knew why, to make the confession. The count was thunderstruck. "His wife!" he exclaimed. "Before I was rich, you know," explained Florence.

Tony sighed a deep melodramatic sigh and laid his hand on his heart. 'Ah, signorina, zat Costantina, she has not any heart. She love one man one day, anozzer ze next. I go away to forget. His eyes dropped to hers; for an instant the mocking light died out; a questioning wounded look took its place. She felt a quick impulse to hold out her hands, to say, 'Jerry, don't go! 'If she only knew!

The M. in E.D. Invariably to keep my head cool; so hand them over, please; I want them. Herr V.K.. Bresently, Sare, zere is somtings ailse, it feels loike yes, it ees a mahouse-drap. Your haid is drouble vid moice, Sare, yes? Bot zere is none 'ere in ze 'at! Anozzer vide rad! And again a vide rad and one, two, dree more vide rads! You vind zey keep your haid noice and cool, Sare?

He stood silently pondering over the problem, the manager obsequiously bowing and rubbing his hands. And then the idea for which he was hoping flashed into his mind. He walked to the wall behind the sideboard and struck it sharply. It rang hollow. "A partition?" he asked. "What is behind it?" "Anozzer room, sair. A private room, same as dees." "Show it to me."

"Many men vould not dare so to go mit anozzer name," he announced; "bot I have my nerves onder a good gontrol." "You astonish me," said the Count. "I do even surprise myself," admitted the Baron.