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Previously to the payments, the agent or sub-agent, and the military officer or officers, will convene the Indians, and ascertain from them in what manner they desire the annuity to be paid: whether to the chiefs of the tribe, to heads of families, or in any other manner.

He was often able to train the roll of stammers into settling upon the words immediately preceding the effective one; by which means the key-note of the jest or sarcasm, benefiting by the sudden liberation of his embargoed voice, was delivered with the force of a pistol shot. That stammer was worth an annuity to him as an ally of his wit.

Under pretence of giving me good advice and telling me what to do, you have lost me my annuity and the gentlemen's confidence. . . ." One of the word-tornadoes in which she excelled was in full progress, but Fraisier cut her short. "This is idle talk. The facts, the facts! and be quick about it." "Well; it came about in this way," and she told him of the scene which she had just come through.

In the course of the month of December the bills were passed which fixed the Queen's income at three hundred and eighty-five thousand pounds a year, and further raised the Duchess of Kent's annuity from twenty-two thousand, which it had been latterly, to thirty thousand a year.

In the matter of the annuity to be settled on the young Prince, the Opposition must, indeed, share the blame with the minister.

That he came from Marseilles, that he had served on the Confederate side in the Trans-Mississippi, that he possessed an annuity, that he must have been well-born and reared, that he was simple, yet canny, and in his money dealings scrupulously honest was all I could be sure of. What had he done to be ashamed about or wish to conceal?

The payment of the sum through the same channel which supplied the annuity, pointed distinctly to an admission of a claim, he inclined to think, and should be supposed to come from a personage having cause either to fear him or to assist him. He set my speculations astray by hinting that the request for the stopping of the case might be a blind.

"The fact is, my good old friend, ready money is not my strong point just now. But if you wish very much to be relieved of the concern, what say you to a life annuity? I could manage that." Monsieur Bonelle gave a short, dry, church-yard cough, and looked as if his life were not worth an hour's purchase. "You think yourself immensely clever, I dare say," he said.

Mr. Newton was early at the office on the following morning, and perused the will with huge content. He was really quite sorry, though, for poor Cousin Jesse: the loss of his son was a sad stroke, much worse than this of a fortune which he might have expected to follow as a matter of course. And the annuity, Mr.

The life annuity he undertook to pay me was sufficient to my subsistence. He wished to send me the principal, and this I refused on account of the difficulty of placing it. He then sent the amount to Du Peyrou, in whose hands it remained, and who pays me the annuity according to the terms agreed upon with his lordship.