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She was thinking of her husband, and in what manner he would annoy her next; but she half thought and the wish was father to the half thought that having got the nugget he would now leave her alone.

Pertell's company, with whom they were acquainted, they did not want the hundreds of extra men, soldiers, cowboys and horsewomen running all over the place. So the rule had been adopted, and it was observed good-naturedly by those to whom it applied. Whitlow must have considered himself above it. "Did he annoy you much, Alice?" asked Paul. "Not so very. He was just what you might call fresh.

"It was ridiculous! intolerable! He had no right !" Lady Garnett bent forward, taking her hand. "Forgive me, chérie! I did not mean to annoy you.... You can imagine how glad we were to see you," she added, with a sudden turn to Rainham. "It was charming of you to call so soon; you could hardly have expected to find us." "You must not give me too much credit.

He is getting too Old and Wabbly to do Odd Jobs around the Place, and it looks to me like an awful Imposition." So he went to the Old Gentleman and said: "Father, I know the Children must annoy you a good deal; they make so much Noise when they play House.

She disliked no one, was bored by no one. The joy of her home-coming seemed to halo them all. Even the sour Miss Bertrams could not annoy her; she thought them sensible and clever; even the tiresome Mrs. Minchin of Minchin Hall, the "gusher" of the county, who "adored" all mankind and ill-treated her step-daughter, even she was dubbed "very kind," till Mrs.

She did shrink from any possible allusion that could annoy or upset her kind friend; and the selfish motives underlying the prejudice, almost amounting to positive dislike, which she had allowed to take root in her feelings to the Harpers, she blinded herself to, or called by some other name. Lady Myrtle was silent, but there was no resentment in her face. She only looked sad very, very sad.

"Possibly; I feel it myself, and I know I annoy you with my queer tempers lately, so you'd better let me go, Egon." "I will guard you well, instead. I did not catch you so easily that I can let you fly again after all my trouble. So remember that, Hartmut, for I won't let you go free at any price." The words had a joking sound, but Rojanow seemed to resent them.

"All this expert-commissioner business is rot," he flung at Lee. "Rot! Lodge knows it. Henney knows it. We all do. And so do you. It's a lot of damn red tape! Every last man who can pull a stroke with the Government runs in here to annoy good efficient engineers who are building the road. It's an outrage. It's more. It's not honest ... That section has forty miles in it.

Now it happened some angry deity had sent a ravenous fox to annoy the country; and the hunters turned out in great strength to capture it. Their efforts were all in vain; no dog could run it down; and at last they came to Cephalus to borrow his famous dog, whose name was Lelaps. No sooner was the dog let loose than he darted off, quicker than their eye could follow him.

He had brought, I should have said, a number of pigeons and some of the wild boar's flesh as a present to Harry, and which was very acceptable on board. The ladies were on deck when we got alongside, and I was much afraid that Toa might say something to Fanny which would annoy her, before I had time to tell my brother that he might give her due warning.