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To break a man's spirit so, take that from him which he will never recover while he lives, send him slinking away animo castrato for that is what it comes to is a sinister outrage of the world. It is as bad as the rape of a woman, and ranks with the sin against the Holy Ghost derives from it, indeed. Yet it was this outrage that Gourlay meant to work upon his son.

It is declared to be embargo; it is no longer an equivocal act, subject to two interpretations; there is a declaration of the animus by which it was done, that it was done hostili animo, and is to be considered a hostile measure ab initio.

Voglia presentare i miei distinti doveri all' eccelente suo Sig^re marito ed alle amabili figlie; e mentre io le prego da Dio le più desiderabili benedizioni, Ella si ricordi di me siccome di una persona, che sebbene lontana fisicamente, le è sempre vicina coll' animo, nei sentimenti della più affetuosa venerazione.

Nullus unquam Stoicorum fuit tam constanti animo, tam forti mortem perpessus, quam iste oppetiisse videtur.

In like manner I had made a charge, and I had made it ex animo; but I accused others of having, by their own example, led me into believing it and publishing it. I was in a humour, certainly, to bite off their ears. I will freely confess, indeed I said it some pages back, that I was angry with the Anglican divines.

He applauds ex animo the change he records; and his book would have gained greatly in interest, if he could only have written it a little more from the heart and a little less from the head.

And again, Pio itaque animo haec consideratio semper adesse debet, utrum id quod praecipitur sit divino mandato contrarium necne: atque ne ex hac parte fallantur, adhibendum est illud judicium discretionis, quod nos tantopere urgemus. Sect. 21.

"It is so far out of all square," he had said, "as on my conscience I cannot think that ever they craved it 'animo obtinendi, but only by that objection to discourage me from any thought of getting any repayment of my debts from them when they shall be in peace. . . . Should I ruin myself for maintaining them? Should I bestow as much on them as cometh to the value of my whole yearly rent?"

"It is so far out of all square," he had said, "as on my conscience I cannot think that ever they craved it 'animo obtinendi, but only by that objection to discourage me from any thought of getting any repayment of my debts from them when they shall be in peace. . . . Should I ruin myself for maintaining them? Should I bestow as much on them as cometh to the value of my whole yearly rent?"