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He struck one of his precious matches. The flame which he held before him was repeated a thousand times, in a shining pool to the left. With a throaty, animal-like cry, he threw himself forward and plunged his hands into the pool. They met a cutting surface of a hundred little stones. He groped all around; nothing but these little stones. He grabbed a handful of them and struck another match.

The tattered man looked at him in gaping amazement. "Why why, pardner, where yeh goin'?" he asked unsteadily. The youth looking at him, could see that he, too, like that other one, was beginning to act dumb and animal-like. His thoughts seemed to be floundering about in his head. "Now now look a here, you Tom Jamison now I won't have this this here won't do. Where where yeh goin'?"

There came the same tired, hopeless glow into his eyes, the same tense lines in his face. And yet, quickly, he changed as he had not changed on that afternoon. Two livid spots began to burn in his cheeks as he sat down opposite Thornton. He turned the light low, and his eyes glowed more darkly and with an animal-like luster in the half gloom.

But you've had a lot of luck that you haven't swung high, too." He paused and flicked away the ash from his cheroot, while the figure before him swayed animal-like from side to side, muttering. "You've got brains, a great lot of brains of a kind however you came by them," Rawley continued; "and you've kept a lot of people in the West from passing in their cheques before their time.

He blew out the light and stepped in darkness to the entrance with the air of one who would refresh his soul by gazing at the stars and wiping out the trivialities of the day. After he had looked at the heavens, his eyes fell with piercing swiftness upon the shadows of the garden, its bushes, manlike or animal-like in the night.

There is release and exhilaration in the barbaric, syncopated songs and in the animal-like motions of the jazz dances with their wild and passionate attitudes, their unrestrained rhythms, and their direct appeal to sex.

Augustine's Attitude The Recognition of the Sacredness of the Body by Tertullian, Rufinus and Athanasius The Reformation The Sexual Instinct Regarded as Beastly The Human Sexual Instinct Not Animal-like Lust and Love The Definition of Love Love and Names for Love Unknown in Some Parts of the World Romantic Love of Late Development in the White Race The Mystery of Sexual Desire Whether Love is a Delusion The Spiritual as Well as the Physical Structure of the World in Part Built up on Sexual Love The Testimony of Men of Intellect to the Supremacy of Love.

" With a singular simplicity he made a wild gesture with his hands, and an animal-like snarl came from his throat. Then he looked at the priest with the honest intensity of a boy. "Yes, that is what you did what was it you said which was 'pretty rough'?" There was a slight hesitation, then came the reply: "I said there was enough powder spilt on the floor to kill all the priests in heaven."

Afterward you might have heard a long, awed sibilance go about the windows overhead as the watching Rue Saint Jacques breathed again. Francois de Montcorbier ran. He tore at his breast as he ran, stifling. He wept as he ran through the moon-washed Rue Saint Jacques, making animal-like and whistling noises. His split lip was a clammy dead thing that napped against his chin as he ran.

From somewhere somewhere remote I heard a hoarse and animal-like cry, followed by the sound of a heavy fall. I can scarcely bear to write of that moment, for I had actually begun the downward sweep of the great sword when that sound came a faint Hope, speaking of aid where I had thought no aid possible.