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"Quite sure," replied Ujarak sternly. "Now, will you give her my message?" "Angut's message, you mean." "Yes, yes; I mean Angut's message," said the wizard impatiently. "You'll be sure to do what I tell you, won't you?" "Quite sure," replied Ippegoo, the smile again overspreading his visage as he turned and quitted the spot.

Ujarak then, coming forward, led him into Angut's hut, which was lighted as usual with several cooking-lamps. The people flocked in after them till it was nearly full; but spaces in the centre and upper end were kept comparatively free. Near the lamp the Kablunet was seen seated, observing the proceedings with much gravity; Okiok sat near him.

It was not so much that Angut's presence was commanding or noble, as that his grave expression, broad forehead, and earnest gaze suggested the idea of a man of profound thought. The angekok who had been so graphically described to him by Okiok at once recurred to Rooney's mind. Turning to his host, he said, with a bland expression "I suppose this is your friend Angut, the angekok?"

But no one suffered because of Angut's superior penetration, for he was too amiable to hurt the feelings of a mosquito. After all that we have said, the reader will perhaps be prepared to expect that Angut never opened his mouth save to drop words of love and wisdom. Not so. Angut was modest to excess.

There was an explosion of laughter at this, for Eskimos are tender and indulgent to their children, and seldom or never whack them. It would be tedious to go further into this subject, or to describe the ingenious methods by which the seaman sought to break up the fallow ground of Angut's eminently receptive mind.

Not knowing what to say, he changed the subject by mentioning the object of his visit. At once Angut turned, and gave undivided attention to the subject, while the seaman described his recent conversation with Okiok. As he concluded, a peculiar look flitted across Angut's countenance. "I guess his reason," he said. "Yes; what may it be, think you?" "He fears to meet Okiok in a singing duel."

Do you not know that Angut wants her?" It was evident from the look of surprise with which Nuna received this piece of information that she was not aware of Angut's aspirations, and it was equally evident from the perplexed expression that followed that her hastily-conceived little matrimonial speculation had been knocked on the head.

To get the sledge out of the water was, however, a matter of much greater difficulty, but they accomplished it in the course of an hour or so. The process of doing this helped to dry Angut's garments, which was fortunate.

Considering the energy with which he had denounced the murders, and the vigour with which he had captured Grimlek, Angut's proposal was somewhat surprising. "Truly, that is so," answered Egede. "If I were very wicked," continued Angut, "and had done many evil deeds, I should like to be forgiven and set free; therefore, let us forgive these men, and set them free."