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"What the devil " I began. He made an anguished appeal to me for silence. Then I heard other footsteps in the corridor pausing outside my closed door. There was a moment's silence, then a soft muffled knocking. I moved towards it, only to be met by the intruder's frenzied whisper "For God's sake keep quiet!"

It was not so much love that cried to her, love that suffered, anguished by the prospect of love lost; as in the highest natures it might have been.

A faint note of anxiety trembled in her voice. "I am anguished to deny thee, O Fenzileh. She is not for sale." "Ah, wait," she cried. "The price paid was high many times higher than I have ever heard tell was given for a slave, however lovely. Yet I covet her. 'Tis a whim of mine, and I cannot suffer to be thwarted in my whims. To gratify this one I will pay three thousand philips."

A French general had pinned the cross on his breast on a day of wind and rain and bursting shell, on a vast plain of unutterable devastation. The upholding of it before the mob of Marseilles had been a profanation. In these moments of anguished amazement he had suffered as he had never suffered in his life before. And he had been helpless.

"How came you to be left behind?" "I had a task assigned me in the town against the Duke's return to-morrow," Wilding explained, and he spoke almost mechanically, his mind full of anguished by thoughts of Ruth. "Against the Duke's return?" cried Richard, first surprised and then thinking that Wilding spoke at random. "Against the Duke's return?" he repeated. "That is what I said?"

I thought he was for beatin' my brains out, an' I up with my gun and fired. He was so close that was how he got it all in the head. But ee might 'a' killed me just as well." He paused, staring at her with a certain anguished intensity, as though he were watching to see how she took it nay, trying its effect both on her and himself.

He had deposited the excited animal on the bed, and in the course of its frantic gambols it overbalanced and fell sprawling to the floor on its back. The ancient canopied bed was high, and the puppy was frightened as well as hurt, and lifted up its voice in anguished yells.

It was a blinding tempest of long-frustrate desire that heaved at me, surging appallingly behind me like an anguished mob. I was in the act of crossing the frontier into my normal self again, when it came, catching fearfully at my skirts.

She never forgot that long night of travel, more poignant than all her anguished journeyings that had preceded it.

How often had those bitter anguished words of his mother rung in her ears "So brilliant and unscrupulous, like yourself; but, oh, so sure of winning a great place in the world... so calculating and determined and ambitious!"