United States or Niue ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The day that sees the American poet or philosopher taking his place in the high European diet of sages and of poets, is the day when the national literature has become confirmed and established. Mr Sims is, at all events, quite consistent with himself in his wish to break loose from European literature he who is disposed to break loose entirely from all the past.

You had better take your maid, as it is much better to travel with distinction in this case. If, however, you accept this commission I shall consider you in honour bound to surrender your claim upon my name for which I agree to pay you fifty thousand francs upon my marriage with the American heiress of whom you know.

Ballington Booth, the great 'Little Mother' of all American prisoners. I know her well, I am proud to say, and can give you a letter of introduction.

For example, practicability does not enter into such subjects as these: "Strikes are justifiable"; "The present powers of the Speaker of the House of Representatives are dangerously great"; "Athletics have been excessively developed in American colleges and universities." But all propositions that advocate a change, that propose some new system of operation, usually have this issue involved.

In an American drawing-room the antithesis would have been less violent. The Nabob's millions would have re-established the balance and even made the scale lean to his side.

Frederic Larsan did not tell me where he had picked up this information; but he appeared to be quite sure of what he said. Had we known these facts at the time Arthur Rance met us at the Donjon Inn, his presence at the chateau might not have puzzled us, but they could not have failed to increase our interest in the man himself. The American must have been at least forty-five years old.

While Peters was giving this little history of his departed mate, the captain's breakfast was announced, and the two American captains were invited to partake of it.

The arbitrary treatment, in some instances, of American productions in Turkey has attracted attention of late, notably in regard to our flour.

Preserved Smith, his latest American biographer, says there is a house shown at Eisleben as Luther's birthplace, but it is "not well authenticated."

"But," resumed Omassa, with perfect conviction, "Frank Sen meaned goodness for me when he called me 'wave' I know that. What you think that big American man do for help me little Japan baby with no sense? Well, I will tell you.